Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has announced “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign from 13-15 August this year also. Department of Posts has been entrusted with the responsibility of providing the Indian tricolor flag for the campaign. Any person can get big size flag from the Post Office for Rs. 25. To ensure no shortage of flags and its timely delivery during the campaign, the Post Offices were open even on Sunday also, said Mr. Krishna Kumar Yadav, Postmaster General of Varanasi Region.
Postmaster General Mr. Krishna Kumar Yadav told that 2.50 lakh tricolor flags have been sold so far from the Post Offices of Varanasi Region. Even on Sunday, people kept on reaching the Post Offices and buying the tricolor for hoisting at homes and workplace. From school children and youth to teachers, government employees, public representatives, farmers, workers and citizens are buying the tricolor flag from the Post Offices. There is a lot of zeal among the people in rural areas also. Mr. Yadav said that on Sunday, the officers and employees of the Department of Posts took the initiative to create awareness among the people about the “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign by visiting important and historical places.
Postmaster General Mr. Krishna Kumar Yadav said that the Department of Posts is playing vital role in the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign under ‘Azadi Ka Mahotsav’. The tricolor is being sold through Post Offices in cities as well as in remote rural areas for only Rs.25 (including GST). 20 inch x 30 inch size and made of polyester, this tricolor can also be purchased online through Post Office e-portal and can be obtained without any home delivery charges at your doorstep. For wide publicity, postmen are motivating people to hoist the tricolor at their homes and premises from August 13 to 15 while distributing mail in the area. Also, a special campaign is being run by the Department of Posts on social media as well. This campaign is working to take the collective consciousness of patriotism from door to door, said Mr. Yadav.