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High Level Committee on Scouts and Guides Submits Report to Vijay Goel, Suggests Constitution of an Enquiry Committee

स्‍काउट्स एंड गाइड्स पर बनी उच्‍च स्‍तरीय समिति ने श्री विजय गोयल को अपनी रिपोर्ट सौंपी, जांच कमेटी के गठन की सिफारिश की

New Delhi: A seven-member High-Level Committee on Scouts and Guides has suggested the constitution of an Enquiry Committee to look into the complaints and submit its report. The Committee has also suggested has suggested that it is mandatory to revamp the Bharat Scout & Guides and Hindustan Scouts and Guides.   The Committee has found a number of irregularities and anomalies in the management and financial management, which has been audited by the Chartered Accountant.  The Committee submitted its Final Report to Minister for State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs & Sports, Shri Vijay Goel, here today.

The committee stressed the need for streamlining the organisational set up of Bharat Scouts and Guides and Hindustan Scouts and Guides. It has further recommended that there should be a permanent monitoring Committee, which will periodically assess the activities of both the organisations and submit report to the Ministry. The committee has also recommended that there should be government nominees on the Boards of both the organizations.  Complaints have also been reported, regarding leakage of question papers related to Rashtrapati Puruskar (2016–2017) in Bharat Scouts and Guides.

Earlier, the Committee had submitted its first interim report on January 31, 2017. The committee has recommended that the Scouts movement should become an integral part of Youth movement, which is one of the important missions of the Ministry.

In the context of the complaints received from various sections of the societies against the Bharat Scouts and Guides and Hindustan Scouts and Guides, Shri Vijay Goel, had constituted a seven-member High Level Committee on Scouts and Guides in the month of October, 2016 under the chairmanship of Shri Harsh Malhotra, to conduct physical inspection of the infrastructure and assets of the two recognized Scouts and Guides Organizations. These two organizations have been recognized by the Ministry for conducting scouting and guiding activities all across the country. The Ministry also gives them grant-in-aid for conducting the scouting/guiding activities.

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