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High recoveries push India’s Recovery Rate to nearly 75%

English News

New Delhi: A consistently increasing number of recoveries has pushed India’s Recovery Rate amongst the COVID-19 patients to nearly 75%.

With the recoveries of 57,989 COVID patients in the last 24 hours, the total number of recoveries has reached 22,80,566 today.

India’s total recoveries now exceed the total active cases (7,07,668) by nearly 16 lakhs (1,572,898).

As the graph shows, the average daily number of recoveries is on a constant upward move from 15,018 (1-7 July 2020) to 60,557 during the week of 19-13 August 2020.

The constantly increasing recoveries have ensured that the actual caseload of the country viz. the active cases, has reduced and currently comprises only 23.24% of the total positive cases. This has also resulted in gradually falling mortality rate. Currently at 1.86%, India’s Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is one of the lowest globally. It has been made possible because by comprehensive and sustained effectiveness of the Centre’s policy of TESTING aggressively, TRACKING comprehensively & TREATING efficiently.

Higher number of recoveries and declining mortality rate among COVID patients have shown that India’s graded and pro-active strategies are delivering results on the field.

For all authentic & updated information on COVID-19 related technical issues, guidelines & advisories please regularly visit: https://www.mohfw.gov.in/ and @MoHFW_INDIA.

Technical queries related to COVID-19 may be sent to technicalquery.covid19@gov.in and other queries on ncov2019@gov.in and @CovidIndiaSeva .

In case of any queries on COVID-19, please call at the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare helpline no.: +91-11-23978046 or 1075 (Toll-free). List of helpline numbers of States/UTs on COVID-19 is also available at https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/coronvavirushelplinenumber.pdf

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