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Implementation of National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction


New Delhi: The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has formulated and is implementing a National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) for 2018-2025. The Plan aims at reduction of adverse consequences of drug abuse through a multi-pronged strategy. The activities under the NAPDDR, inter-alia, include awareness generation programmes in schools/colleges/Universities, workshops/seminars/ with parents, community based peerled interactions intervention programmes for vulnerable adolescent and youth in the community, provisioning of treatment facilities and capacity building of service providers.

The Ministry has also approved the proposal of National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (NDDTC, AIIMS) for providing financial assistance for establishment of Addiction Treatment Facilities at 125 Govt. Hospitals in phase manner for over a period of three years. An amount of Rs. 6.46 Cr has been released to AIIMS for the same during 2019-20.

The National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) is the technical resource agency for implementing the activities of the NAPDDR across the country.

NISD through various stakeholders has conducted awareness  programs and campaign in schools and colleges. Till date, 1033 awareness programs have been conducted across nationwide. Details is as under:-

Sl. No. Stakeholder Awareness Programme Conducted
1. RRTC 288
2. SCERT 249
3. Universities/Colleges 70
4. School Societies 150
5. Medical Colleges/Hospitals 21
6. Red Cross/others 255
Total 1033

During 2018-19, an amount of Rs 112.33 Crore was released under the Scheme of NAPDDR. Out of this amount, about Rs 58 Crore is for the purpose of awareness generation in schools, colleges and communities, capacity building of various stakeholders,  setting up de-addiction centres in Government/District Hospitals, Prisons, Juvenile Homes and other closed settings, focused intervention programmes in vulnerable districts, etc. Further, an amount of Rs 52.10 Crore has been released to States/UTs for awareness generation, capacity building and specific intervention programmes to be carried out by them.

During 2019-20 (till 03.02.2020) an amount of Rs. 106.0 Crore has been released under the Scheme of NAPDDR. Approximately an amount of Rs. 56.88 Crores has been released to States/UTs for awareness generation, capacity building and specific intervention programmes to be carried out by them.  Further, an amount of Rs. 35 Crores has been released to NISD for taking various activities under NAPDDR. An amount of Rs. 1.5 Crore has been released to NBCFDC for skill development . An amount of Rs. 3.58 Crore has been released to AIIMS for capacity building mechanism and  Rs.0.70 Crore has been released to State Govt.  of M.P. for setting up an anti-drug awareness project “KAWACH” for school children in Madhya Pradesh.

The Ministry has also initiated establishing of Outreach and Drop in Centres (ODIC) to conduct outreach activities in the community for prevention of drug abuse with a special focus on youth who are dependent on drugs and is also undertaking Community based Peer led Intervention (CPLI) programmes for early prevention education specially for vulnerable adolescents and youth in the community in selected districts across the Country.

Along with the earlier identified 127 districts, following 4 districts have also been included for Target Intervention programme (ODIC & CPLI) :

  1. Hanumangarh (Rajasthan)
  2. Churu (Rajasthan)
  3. Seoni (Madhya Pradesh)
  4. Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh)

This information was given by Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Shri Rattan Lal Kataria in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.

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