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In The Indian Panorama Section meet The Directors of Non-Feature Film Organized


New Delhi: In the International Film Festival of India in Indian Panorama section ‘Meet – the Directors of Non-Feature Films’ was organized today. Shri Ajay Kurane, Director Baluta (Marathi), Anik Dutta, Director Meghnadbod Rohosyo (Bengali), Rima Das, Director, Village Rock stars (Assamese), Lipika Singh Darai, The Waterfall (English) interacted with the media.

Rima Das, who directed Village Rock Stars, shared her experience about the film. The film is about the children in villages without any resources but they dream high. Though they are out of resources they celebrate their life. “Mumbai experience helped a lot to get the story on screen’ said, Rima Das. The story of the film revolves around the Dhunu, 10 year old girl who lives in remote part of Assam amidst raging depravation. A free spirit, she firmly believes in the power of her grand dreams. Her widowed mother struggles to make ends meet but, despite the poverty, Dhunu is determined to form a rock band with the boys in her village and wants to be the proud owner of a guitar. She remains undeterred in the face of gender discrimination, the lack of support from the boys and a society that threatens to pull her back.

Anik Dutta, Director of Benglai non-feature film Meghnadbod Rohosyo said that it is not easy exploring the complex urban relationships through non-feature films. He said that there is a good future of non-feature films in India. The story of Meghnadbod Rohosyo is about a Chingi a mute girl. Her father an Indian army officer loses his life while on duty. Chingi lives with her mother and grandfather nurturing vivid memories of her father, his teachings and the gift of a tri-colored pinwheel that she spends most of her time with. When the statue installed in her father’s memory is demolished, Chingi takes it upon herself to restore her family’s pride. However, a shocking revelation awaits the family.

Marathi non-feature film Baluta is about barter system. Ajay Kurane, Director said that the story inspired from WhatsApp Message. Women empowerment is what everybody talks but when it comes to reality it is totally different, said Ajay Kurane. In rural Maharashtra it is never imagined that woman being a barber. Despite all odds Shantabai, accepts the traditional job to meet the both ends. Shantabai, a young woman, mother of four daughters, loses her husband and is on her own without family support. Baluta is her tale of struggle, bravery and most of all, the self-belief of a woman who defies all odds and proves to the world that stereotype is just another word.

Rima Das, Director of The Waterfall while sharing her experiences about the non-feature film said, “We are moving away from nature where we belong. There is always a conflict of development and Environment”.  On a visit to his cousin Nilu’s beautiful hill town, city kid Karan immediately takes to the deep forests, he marvels at the bounty of nature in the small town. He soon learns that the waterfall they visited will soon be destroyed to make way for development projects. Deeply disturbed, Karan finds himself in deep contemplation about the conflicting progress of development and importance of conserving nature.

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