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India has more than 5.5 lakh Recovered Cases, exceed Active Cases by more than 2.5 lakhs

English News

New Delhi: The series of pro-active, pre-emptive and coordinated steps taken by the Centre and the State governments for containment and prevention of COVID-19 has contributed to a gradual surge in COVID-19 recovery. Aggressive testing coupled with timely diagnosis has led to identifying COVID affected patients before they progress into an advanced stage of the disease; effective implementation of containment zones, surveillance activities ensured that the rate of infection stays under control. The norms and standards for care of Home Isolation along with use of oxymeters have helped to keep a check on the asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic patients without burdening the hospital infrastructure. Such graded policy and holistic approach has led to the recovery of 18,850 people in the last 24 hours, taking the total cumulative number of recovered cases among COVID-19 patients to 5,53,470.

The recovery rate has further improved to 63.02% today. 19 States have a recovery rate higher than the national average. These are:

State/UT Recovery Rate State/UT Recovery Rate
Ladakh (UT) 85.45% Tripura 69.18%
Delhi 79.98% Bihar 69.09%
Uttarakhand 78.77% Punjab 68.94%
Chhattisgarh 77.68% Odisha 66.69%
Himachal Pradesh 76.59% Mizoram 64.94%
Haryana 75.25% Assam 64.87%
Chandigarh 74.60% Telangana 64.84%
Rajasthan 74.22% Tamil Nadu 64.66%
Madhya Pradesh 73.03% Uttar Pradesh 63.97%
Gujarat 69.73%

There are 3,01,609 active cases and they are all under medical supervision either in hospitals, COVID care centres or in home isolation. There are 2,51,861 more recovered cases than active cases. India’s fatality rate has also dropped to 2.64% owing to the enhanced stress on clinical management of critical cases. AIIMS Delhi continues to handhold the Dedicated COVID Hospitals (DCH) through the COVID19 National Teleconsultation Centre. 30 States have a fatality rate lower than the national average. These are:

State/UT Fatality Rate State/UT Fatality Rate
Manipur 0% Jharkhand 0.8%
Nagaland 0% Bihar 0.86%
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 0% Himachal Pradesh 0.91%
Mizoram 0% Telangana 1.03%
A&N Islands 0% Andhra Pradesh 1.12%
Sikkim 0% Puducherry 1.27%
Ladakh (UT) 0.09% Uttarakhand 1.33%
Tripura 0.1% Tamil Nadu 1.42%
Assam 0.22% Haryana 1.42%
Kerala 0.39% Chandigarh 1.43%
Chhattisgarh 0.47% J&K (UT) 1.7%
Odisha 0.49% Karnataka 1.76%
Arunachal Pradesh 0.56% Rajasthan 2.09%
Goa 0.57% Punjab 2.54%
Meghalaya 0.65% Uttar Pradesh 2.56%

During the last 24 hours, 2,19,103 samples were tested. The cumulative number of samples tested, as of now is 1,18,06,256. The testing per million is continuously growing. It is 8555.25 today.

The testing lab network in the country is further strengthened with 1200 labs in the country; 852 labs in the government sector and 348 private labs. These include:

  • Real-Time RT PCRbased testing labs: 626 (Govt: 389 + Private: 237)
  • TrueNatbased testing labs: 474 (Govt: 428 + Private: 46)
  • CBNAATbased testing labs: 100 (Govt: 35 + Private: 65)

For all authentic & updated information on COVID-19 related technical issues, guidelines & advisories please regularly visit: https://www.mohfw.gov.in/ and @MoHFW_INDIA.

Technical queries related to COVID-19 may be sent to technicalquery.covid19@gov.in and other queries on ncov2019@gov.in and @CovidIndiaSeva .

In case of any queries on COVID-19, please call at the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare helpline no.: +91-11-23978046 or 1075 (Toll-free). List of helpline numbers of States/UTs on COVID-19 is also available at https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/coronvavirushelplinenumber.pdf .

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