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India retains WHO Regional Director position, Dr Pooman Khetrapal Singh re-nominated for second term


New Delhi: India today retained the top WHO position in South-East Asia Region with Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh unanimously re-elected as Regional Director for another five-year term beginning February 2019.The elections were held at the ongoing Regional Committee meeting of WHO South-East Asia.

Thanking all Member states for supporting India’s candidate, Shri J P Nadda, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, said, “We are grateful for the unanimous support received from the Member States of the Region, evidenced by the un-contested election”.

Congratulating Dr. PoonamKhetrapal Singh on her re-election, the Union Health Minister said,
“The leadership provided by Dr. Singh to the South East Asia Regional Office has seen the Region emerge as the top performer in the organization globally in programmatic and financial implementation. Further, her commitment to the public health agenda in the Member States is reflected in the significant achievements in all the flagship priority programmes of the Region”

We are happy that she has been able to translate her strategic vision into concrete actions during her tenure – whether it is in addressing the persisting and emerging epidemiological and demographic challenges; strengthening emergency risk management for sustainable development; advancing universal health coverage and robust health systems or articulating a strong regional voice in the global health agenda, Shri Nadda said.

“We are enthused by her statement today that she intends to “consolidate”, “accelerate” and “innovate” to further strengthen our progress in the priority areas and translating vision into action,” the Union Minister, said.

Dr Singh is the first woman to have been elected to the position of Regional Director for WHO South-East Asia Region after an illustrious career in the Indian civil service, World Bank and WHO.

“With her contributions to regional as well as global initiatives and outstanding work in placing health central to the agenda of sustainable development in the Region, she will continue leading the Region to greater heights and further strengthen cooperation amongst South East Asia Region Member States,” the Minister said.

While we take pride in her belonging to India, we are sure that she will continue to work in the best ethos of Indian tradition and democracy, bearing allegiance to the oath that she once took; of doing right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill-will, ShriNadda said.

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