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Indian Army strives to ensure success of Swachh Bharat Campaign

Indian Army strives to ensure success of Swachh Bharat Campaign

New Delhi: While ‘Swachhta’ and ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ is being run all over the country, the Indian Army takes pride in environmental conservation being intrinsic to its character, ethos and traditions. Army troops deployed in remote areas of the nation have always taken keen interest in environmental conservation. As part of routine, the long range patrols covering snow bound, high altitude and treacherous areas of Himachal Pradesh, along the borders with China and Tibet make it a drill to clean the areas where they patrol. All expedition to these areas bring back non-biodegradable wastes and clean areas in the process.

The Indian Army covers the conservation drive in various verticals which include serving personnel, ex-serviceman, and initiatives within and outside the cantonments and in operational areas.

‘Shramdaan’ and clean the area in and around the place one works, is intrinsic into the character and routine activities of Indian Army personnel. Daily cleanliness drive is carried out by serving personnel on almost daily basis. The families and children join men in tree plantation, hygiene and sanitation awareness camps and cleanliness drives. Roll calls, Sainik Sammelans and briefings during everyday routine find this aspect being highlighted.

Ex-Servicemen are true ambassadors of such disciplined and holistic initiative. They on their part involve societies and civilian population with them to focus on fundamental issue of overall cleanliness, menace of open defecation and tree plantation. In most of our ESM camps and interactions steps are taken to facilitate them to achieve the same.

Cantonments are one of the cleanest places. All actions possible are taken within the cantonment to keep them clean. Other than the composite conservancy staff, additional manpower and equipment have been bought by stations and cantonments to clean their respective areas. Events like ‘Swachhta Pakhwada’, ‘Cleanliness Drives’, ‘Run for clean environment’, are a regular feature to bring in the awareness. All the schools run by the Army have a special focus on this very important aspect other than tree plantation.

All stations and cantonments have been working very closely with CEOs and Cantonment Boards to arrive at a robust cleanliness mechanism. Huge cantonments like Delhi, Lucknow, Ambala, Pathankot, Kolkata etc today can easily be nominated as the cleanest areas of the country. Biodegradable toilets, neat cubicle toilets have been established in almost all such stations and cantonments.  Efforts are on to ensure that there is no open defecation in any of the cantonments of Indian Army.

Even in operational areas while Indian Army is deployed at far flung places in mountains, deserts or in other treacherous areas, the brave soldiers make genuine endeavour to clean the areas wherever it is. They involve local population and enmass create campaign for cleanliness and awareness. The patrols which go out to snow bound high altitude areas in Himachal Pradesh, UP, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and in border areas of Tibet and China clean the areas where they patrol. The Indian Army does not leave any stone unturned to ensure that their areas are clean, hygienic and worthy to live in.

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