Indian Railways has introduced a new Humsafar Express train from Allahabad to AnandVihar (T) which will run tri-weekly. The train service was inaugurated on Wednesday by Manoj Sinha, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Communications and Minister of State for Railways from Allahabad station in North Central Railway.
The abstract schedule including timings, composition, stoppages etc of the 22437/22438 Allahabad-AnandVihar(T) Humsafar Express train services introduced is as under –
Days of run:
Ex-ALD: Mon, Wed, Sat
Ex-ANVT: Tue, Thu, Sun
Journey time:
From Allahabad to AnandVihar(T) – 7 hours 55 minutes
From AnandVihar(T) to Allahabad – 7 hours 30 minutes
Kanpur Central
Composition of regular service:
LWACCN-18, LWLRRM-2 = 20 coaches
Nature of Service:
Humsafar Express
Zee News