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India’s Cumulative Vaccination Coverage exceeds 9 Crores with nearly 30 Lakh Vaccine doses given in the last 24 hours

English News

In its collective and collaborative fight against the global pandemic, India has crossed a landmark milestone under the world’s largest vaccination drive, which was launched on 16th Jan this year. The cumulative number of COVID19 vaccine doses administered in the country has crossed 9 Cr today.

Cumulatively, 9,01,98,673 vaccine doses have been administered through 13,77,304 sessions, as per the provisional report till 7 am today. These include 89,68,151 HCWs who have taken the 1st dose and 54,18,084 HCWs who have taken the 2nd dose, 97,67,538 FLWs (1stdose), 44,11,609 FLWs (2nddose), 3,63,32,851 1st dose beneficiaries and 11,39,291 2nd dose beneficiaries more than 60 years old and 2,36,94,487 (1st dose) and 4,66,662 (2nd dose) beneficiaries aged 45 to 60 years.

HCWs FLWs Over 45 years Over 60 years


1st Dose 2nd Dose 1st Dose 2nd Dose 1st Dose 2nd Dose 1st Dose 2nd Dose
89,68,151 54,18,084 97,67,538 44,11,609 2,36,94,487 4,66,662 3,63,32,851 11,39,291 9,01,98,673

Eight states account for 60% of the total doses given so far in the country.

Nearly 30 lakh vaccination doses were administered in the last 24 hours.

As on Day-82 of the vaccination drive (7th April, 2021), 29,79,292 vaccine doses were given. Out of which, 26,90,031 beneficiaries were vaccinated across 38,760 sessions for 1st dose and 2,89,261 beneficiaries received 2nd dose of vaccine.

Date: 7th April, 2021 (Day 82)
HCWs FLWs 45 to <60 years Over60years Total Achievement
1stDose 2ndDose 1stDose 2nd Dose 1stDose 2nd Dose 1stDose 2nd Dose 1stDose 2ndDose
3,956 22,341 30,319 97,509 17,62,503 33,816 8,93,253 1,35,595 26,90,031 2,89,261

In terms of the number of daily doses administered globally, India stands at the top with an average of 34,30,502 doses administered per day.

India’s daily new cases continue to rise. 1,26,789 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours.

Ten States including Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Keralaand Punjab have shown a rise in the COVID daily new cases. 84.21% of the new cases are reported from these 10 states.

Maharashtra has reported the highest daily new cases at 59,907. It is followed by Chhattisgarh with 10,310 while Karnataka reported 6,976 new cases.

Twelve States, as shown under, are displaying an upward trajectory in daily new cases.

The graph below gives a comparison of the weekly positivity rate of States/UTs in the first seven days of March and April, 2021. The national weekly positivity rate has increased by 6.21% from 2.19%  to 8.40% during this same time period.

India’s total Active Caseload has reached 9,10,319. It now comprises 7.04% of the country’s total Positive Cases. A net incline of 66,846 cases recorded from the total active caseload in the last 24 hours.

Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala cumulatively account for 74.13% of India’s total active cases. Maharashtra alone accounts for55.26% of the total active caseload of the country.

India’s cumulative recoveries stand at 1,18,51,393 today. The national Recovery Rate is 91.67%.

59,258 recoveries were registered in the last 24 hours.

685 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours.

Ten States account for 87.59% of the new deaths. Maharashtra saw the maximum casualties (322). Punjab follows with 62 daily deaths.

Twelve States/UTs have not reported any COVID19 deaths in the last 24 hours. These are Assam, Ladakh (UT), D&D & D&N, Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Manipur,Lakshadweep, Mizoram, A&N Islands and Arunachal Pradesh.

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