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India’s Registers the Highest Single day Recoveries

English News

India continues to record a spate of very high recoveries. India logged in the highest number of single day recoveries in the last 24 hours. 82,961 COVID patients were cured and discharged from home/facility isolation and hospitals, steeply pushing the Recovery Rate to 78.53%.

 The 7-day moving average of the Recoveries shows a consistent increase in the recoveries.

The total recovered cases stand at 39,42,360.

In the last 24 hours, Maharashtra (19423) contributed 23.41% of the new recoveries while the States of Andhra Pradesh (9628), Karnataka (7406), Uttar Pradesh (6680) and Tamil Nadu (5735) contributed 35.5% of the new recoveries.

Nearly 59% of the new recoveries came from these five States.

27 States/UTs are reporting Recovery Rate more than 70%.

There are 9,95,933 active cases in the country as on date.

The gap between Recovered and Active cases has crossed 29 lakh today (29,46,427). Recovered Cases are nearly 4 times (3.96) the number of Active Cases.

Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu compose close to 60% of the Active Cases.

70% of the Total Active Cases are found in nine most affected States/UTs.

90,123 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours in the country.

With more than 20,000 new cases in the last 24 hours, Maharashtra is leading the tally. This is followed by Andhra Pradesh (8846) and Karnataka (7576).

# Name of State / UT

Active cases

Confirmed cases Cumulative Cured/ Discharged/Migrated Cases Cumulative Deaths

As on 16.09.2020

As on 16.09.2020 As on 15.09.2020 Change since yesterday As on 16.09.2020 As on 15.09.2020 Changes since yesterday As on 16.09.2020 As on 15.09.2020 Change since yesterday
TOTAL CASES 995933 5020359 4930236 90123 3942360 3859399 82961 82066 80776 1290
1 Maharashtra 292174 1097856 1077374 20482 775273 755850 19423 30409 29894 515
2 Karnataka 98555 475265 467689 7576 369229 361823 7406 7481 7384 97
3 Andhra Pradesh 92353 583925 575079 8846 486531 476903 9628 5041 4972 69
4 Uttar Pradesh 67335 324036 317195 6841 252097 245417 6680 4604 4491 113
5 Tamil Nadu 46806 514208 508511 5697 458900 453165 5735 8502 8434 68
6 Chhattisgarh 35909 70777 67327 3450 34279 33109 1170 589 573 16
7 Odisha 32267 158650 155005 3645 125738 122024 3714 645 637 8
8 Kerala 31226 114033 110818 3215 82341 79809 2532 466 454 12
9 Telangana 30401 162844 160571 2273 131447 129187 2260 996 984 12
10 Delhi 29787 225796 221533 4263 191203 188122 3081 4806 4770 36
11 Assam 29180 146575 144166 2409 116903 115054 1849 492 482 10
12 West Bengal 23942 209146 205919 3227 181142 178223 2919 4062 4003 59
13 Madhya Pradesh 21620 93053 90730 2323 69613 67711 1902 1820 1791 29
14 Punjab 21154 84482 82113 2369 60814 58999 1815 2514 2424 90
15 Haryana 20430 98622 96129 2493 77166 74712 2454 1026 1000 26
16 J&K (UT) 18678 56654 55325 1329 37062 36381 681 914 895 19
17 Rajasthan 16761 105898 104138 1760 87873 86162 1711 1264 1250 14
18 Gujarat 16357 116183 114834 1349 96582 95138 1444 3244 3227 17
19 Jharkhand 14118 64439 62737 1702 49750 48112 1638 571 561 10
20 Bihar 13055 160871 160366 505 146980 145560 1420 836 831 5
21 Uttarakhand 10739 34407 33016 1391 23230 22213 1017 438 429 9
22 Tripura 7498 20150 19696 454 12435 11925 510 217 207 10
23 Goa 5102 25511 24898 613 20094 19648 446 315 304 11
24 Puducherry 4674 20601 20226 375 15522 15027 495 405 394 11
25 Himachal Pradesh 3801 10335 9923 412 6444 6182 262 90 82 8
26 Chandigarh 2991 8592 8245 347 5502 5300 202 99 98 1
27 Meghalaya 1818 4036 3864 172 2190 2151 39 28 27 1
28 Arunachal Pradesh 1795 6466 6298 168 4658 4531 127 13 11 2
29 Manipur 1745 8210 7971 239 6418 6340 78 47 46 1
30 Nagaland 1269 5229 5214 15 3945 3915 30 15 10 5
31 Ladakh (UT) 938 3499 3419 80 2517 2475 42 44 41 3
32 Mizoram 558 1480 1468 12 922 919 3 0 0 0
33 Sikkim 464 2173 2119 54 1690 1521 169 19 16 3
34 D&D & D&N 229 2783 2763 20 2552 2513 39 2 2 0
35 A&N Islands 204 3574 3557 17 3318 3278 40 52 52 0
36 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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