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India’s Top 10 Police Stations for 2019 announced


New Delhi: Government has released the list of best performing Police stations from across the country. The Top 10 Police Stations in the country are:-

State District Police Station Ranking
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Andaman Aberdeen 1
Gujarat Mahisagar Balasinor 2
Madhya Pradesh Burhanpur Ajk Burhanpur 3
Tamil Nadu Theni AWPS Theni 4
Arunachal Pradesh Dibang Valley Anini 5
Delhi South West District Baba Haridas Nagar, Dwarka 6
Rajasthan Jhalawar Bakani 7
Telangana Karimnagar Choppadandi (M) 8
Goa North Goa Bicholim 9
Madhya Pradesh Sheopur Bargawa 10

This effort reflects the directions of the Prime Minister while addressing the DsGP during the 2015 Conference in Kutch, Gujarat. He had directed that parameters should be laid down for grading Police Stations and assessing their performance based on feedback.

Union Minister for Home Minister, Shri Amit Shah stated that he has noticed that a vast majority of the police stations short-listed from the thousands of police stations in the country are police stations located in small towns and rural areas. This is also true for those police stations which have been ranked among the top 10. This indicates that while availability of resources is important, more important is the dedication and sincerity of our police personnel to prevent & control crime and serve the nation.

The objective was to rank the top 10 Police Stations out of 15,579 Police Stations in the country through data analysis, direct observation and public feedback. The ranking process commenced with shortlisting of the best performing Police Stations, in each State on the basis of addressing

  • Property offence
  • Crime against women
  • Crime against weaker sections.

Number of Police Stations selected initially from each State comprise of:

  • Three from each State with more than 750 Police Stations
  • Two from all other States and Delhi
  • One from each Union Territory

79 Police Stations were selected for next stage of the ranking process.

In the final stage 19 parameters were identified to evaluate the standards of service delivery and identify techniques of improvement in policing. This part constitutes 80% of weightage in overall scoring. The balance 20% was based on infrastructure of Police Station and approachability of personnel and Citizen feedback. 5,461 respondents, covering approximately 60 people at each shortlisted location, were approached for feedback.

The annual ranking of Police Stations is eagerly awaited by the country and specially the police forces. It gives an insight into the functioning of the police and provides valuable inputs to formulation of public policy in the wider realm of internal security. All the States of the Union have enthusiastically participated in this year’s survey. The objectivity of the exercise has been ensured by the extensive use of the CCTNS database and on ground survey conducted by a third party agency. The survey on citizen’s interface has also been revamped to better reflect the concerns of the citizenry.

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