New Delhi: Interacting with the media at 47th IFFI, Ivan Passer, the Chairperson for IFFI 2016 International Jury, said that they judged a total 22 films in two categories i.e. International Competition (15) and Centenary Award for the best debut feature film of Director (7). He told the media that it was an interesting experience as films from across the world reminded him of the vastness of cultures, acts, beauty and colours of life.
Selection of films was done without any injustice, even though some films have more impact than the others and suit personal opinions. He further added that it was the first time he met the Jury members and found them extremely jolly and friendly, there were no clashes in the process of selection and it is a rare thing for jury.
Mr Larry Smith, Member of IFFI 2016 International Jury, said that jury members were on common grounds for selecting the film and all the 22 films were different and unique in their own, giving us many things to wonder and talk about. They screened 4 films a day and the selection process was very straight forward.
Mr Lordan Zafranovic, Member of IFFI 2016 International Jury, added that he loved the way IFFI was organized. He watched a number of films and found out that it is the language of art that is universal in nature and it needs no description or subtitles to understand. Talking about the selection procedure, he said it was very easy for the jury to choose the films as all of them were looking at the same point.
Talking about the jury members, Nagesh Kukunoor, Member of IFFI 2016 International Jury, said that he could not have better people than these. He added that the selection of the debut films was a job well done. Replying to a question on the objectivity of selection process, he replied that there is always subjectivity attached to individual perceptions and opinions though the jury tries to do justice to all the competing entries without any inherent bias in the process.
Leila Kilani, Member of IFFI 2016 International Jury, said that it was a warm and pleasant experience to work with the other jury members. It did not involve talks about cinema and films only, but also about sharing views and discussing life.