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Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) has resulted in increased utilization of Health Services

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) has resulted in increased utilization of Health Services

New Delhi: A study has been conducted by University of Maryland and National Council for Applied Economic Research to assess whether the JSY scheme has been successful in addressing disparities in providing maternal healthcare services to the marginalized and poorer communities, by utilizing the data from the India Human Development Survey-1 (IHDS-1, 2004-05) i.e. pre-JSY period and India Human Development Survey-2 (IHDS-2, 2011-12).

The findings of the study establish that JSY has led to increased utilization of health services among all groups but especially among the poorer and underserved sections in the rural areas thereby reducing the disparities in maternal care.

The results of the study indicate that during the two IHDS rounds, institutional deliveries almost doubled, full ANC increased by 6 percentage points, proportion of deliveries being assisted bytrained health personnel increased by 22.3 percentage points  and post natal care check-ups (within 2 weeks) increased by 19 percentage points.

The results of the study also indicate that the gap in access to healthcare between the marginalized group of women and those who are financially better-off has declined since the advent of the JSY program. As per the study, the JSY scheme led to increase in utilization of maternal health care services by women with little or no education while the change in utilization of services was generally lowest among the highest asset households.

JSY scheme has been implemented in all the States and UTs including Gujarat. JSY guidelines have been issued to all the States and UTs including Gujarat and the same are in public domain at the Ministry’s website i.e. www.nhm.gov.in.

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