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Minister of Railways reviewed the position with Railway Board officials about Tree Plantation on Railway land

रेल मंत्री ने रेलवे की जमीन में वृक्षारोपण के बारे में रेल बोर्ड के अधिकारियों के साथ स्थिति की समीक्षा की

Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhu today reviewed the position with Railway Board officials about Tree Plantation on Railway land in conjunction with State Governments in the jurisdiction of the Zonal Railways.

Shri Suresh Prabhu has directed that state-wise list to be prepared pertaining to tree plantation on Railway land by State Government agencies. He has also directed to seek assistance from units of Territorial Army for the purpose of tree plantation. Vice-Chancellors of Universities may also be approached for assistance, he suggested.

During the review, Railway Minister was apprised of the developments in the Zonal Railways in the states of Maharashtra & Chhattisgarh. In the two states MoU has been signed between Railway Administration and Forest Development Corporations. Railways will identify tracts of land in the Railway premises and Forest Department of the States will help with identification and supply of local varieties of trees to be planted before the onset of monsoon in the month of July,2017.

Shri Suresh Prabhu was informed that in Central Railway, MoU has been signed at the Zonal Headquarter level with State Forest Department and subsidiary MoUs have been signed at the Divisional level with the local officers of the Chief Conservation of Forests. Central Railway has identified and offered 227 hectares of Railway land for such joint plantation for about 6 lakh saplings/trees. On South East Central Railway, MoU has been signed with Chhattisgarh Rajya Van Vikas Nigam Ltd. Land is being identified for tree plantation. Shri Suresh Prabhu directed that these should be expedited so as to have effective tree plantation before onset of the monsoon season.

Shri Suresh Prabhu has indicated that CM of Rajasthan has shown interest in tree plantation by the State Government on land identified by Zonal Railway.

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