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Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Going to Initiate Integrated Farming on 100 KVKs


New Delhi: The Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Radha Mohan Singh said that the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) set up throughout the country play very important role to enhance the income of the farmers and promote agriculture. The Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare appealed KVKs and state level agriculture officials that they should work with the farmers in very much closed affinity. They were called for to extend their contribution to the farmers for enhancing their income. Shri Radha Mohan Singh added that Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare is going to initiate integrated farming on 100 KVKs very shortly. The farmers living in the district after having observed them can adopt to increase their income.

The Union Minister today addressed the scientists of 12 Krishi Vigyan Kendras, State Level Agriculture Officer, Livestock, Fisheries, and Horticulture Officers as well as beneficiary farmers through video conferencing. This was for the first time that the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare had a direct dialogue with KVK Officers as well as beneficiary farmers through video conferencing.

The Minister addressed the experts of Krishi Vigyan Kendra situated in Andhra Pradesh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Goa, Karnataka, Karela, Lakshyadweep, Maharashtra, Orissa, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Telangana and the State and District level Agriculture Development Officers as well as progressive farmers. The Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers in the first half of the hour put up his outlook to the farmers and thereafter in a span of half an hour responded their queries.

Shri Radha Mohan said to the KVKs officers that the farmers require quality seeds, planting materials as well as fertilizers to increase the productivity of their crops. Therefore, the officers must help them through and through. The Minister of Agriculture also mentioned on this eve about the diseases of the animals and their vaccination. Shri Singh added that officers must continue to check the diseases of the animals. The Minister further added that after having put a check on the diseases of the animals, the income of the farmers will increase. The Union Minister of Agriculture briefed farmers about agriculture projects and agriculture strategies of the government. Shri Singh said to the officers that they must be dedicated from the bottom of their heart for the fulfillment of these projects.

On this juncture the Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare appealed the farmers to adopt fisheries so as to double their income. Shri reiterated the state and district level fisheries officers that they should take necessary steps to celebrate the World Fishery Day on 21st November and give support to the farmers in every walk of their agricultural need. The Union Minister further added that on 5th December the World Soil Health Day is celebrated. Therefore, the states are required to prepare themselves for the celebration. The Minister said that the farmers should get the Soil Health Card made and in this respect they should negotiate with the nearby agriculture officers.

The Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare said to the farmers that they should not put the paddy harvesting after weeds but they should utilize this stuff to convert it into bio-fertilizer. Later on the farmers put up their queries before the Union Minister and called for the solution of their problems.

Shri Radha Mohan Singh briefed the farmers that for their welfare 645 Krishi Vigyan Kendras have been reconstituted throughout the country. The government is going to take the initiative for opening 106 new KVKs in all newly created and larger districts of the country. Shri Singh reiterated that now in every district of the country is comprised of KVK which will be dedicated for the benefit of the farmers and will sort out the problems.

The first phase of the video conferencing comprised of three phases completed on 19th October, 2016. The Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare addressed the Officers of Krishi Vigyan Kendras and as well as farmers of 12 states from Northern India. The third and final phase of video conferencing will be held on 28th October in which the KVK Officers of Hill States and farmers thereof will have a mutual dialogue with the Union Minister.

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