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Mobile App for Road Maintenance “Aarambh launched

Mobile App for Road Maintenance “Aarambh launched

New Delhi: The visiting ILO Deputy Director General(Policy) International Labour Organization Ms. Deborah Greenfield, who is on an official visit to India called on Hon’ble Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Rural Development, Drinking Water & Sanitation on 24th July 2017. She highly appreciated the ongoing Flagship Programmes of MORD such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), Deen Dayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY-Grameen) and thanked Government of India for launching these initiatives which not only address the basic subsistence needs of the rural poor but also effectively contribute to employment creation, poverty alleviation and inclusive growth.

Ms.Greenfield highlighted ongoing ILO-MORD Partnership with the above Flagship Programmes such as : ILO-PMGSY Rural Roads Project, Barefoot Technicians Training under MGNREGA and support to training of Rural Masons under PMAY(Grameen). It is very heartening for the ILO to collaborate with the MORD as it can bring in experience of and learnings from the “Best International Practices” in implementation of these programmes and also promote and integrate and mainstream the Decent Work Elements in operational guidelines of these programmes. She recognized the high employment potential for rural population particularly the women in these initiatives.

The Hon’ble Union Minister Shri Tomar and Ms. Greenfield launched the following publications and Mobile App for Road Maintenance “Aarambh”:

  • Concept Note and Guidance Note “Mobilizing Funds for Maintenance of Rural Road”.

o   Resource mobilization for rural roads maintenance has always been a challenge for the States. This Concept Note outlines innovative ways which can be adopted by the state Governments for mobilizing additional funds for road maintenance and presents some international best practices worldwide.  

  • “Mobile Phone based App for Performance Based Maintenance Contracting and Community Contracting for maintenance of rural roads” Brochure

o   This Mobile Phone App aims at use of GIS based mapping for making road inventories, condition surveys, and producing cost estimates and other relevant data for preparation and monitoring of annual road maintenance plans. Its usage would greatly enhance the service delivery of the state level institutions in planning and implementing performance based rural roads maintenance contracts.

She expressed that these publications and the Mobile App would greatly help in improving the service delivery for road maintenance in all the States.

The Hon’ble Minister appreciated the ongoing collaboration between ILO and Ministry of Rural Development, particularly PMGSY, MGNREGS and PMAY(G). He emphasized that the newly launched mobile application would simplify the maintenance management of rural roads. The Minister reiterated the resolve of Government of India to connect all eligible habitations in rural areas by constructing good quality roads by 2019. The States are being encouraged to put in place robust mechanism to ensure routine and periodic maintenance of these roads even after the first five-year period, after their construction is over.

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