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Monitoring of Accidents on National Highways


New Delhi: As per the provisions in the Concession Agreement BOT/OMT, the Concessionaire is required to provide one ambulance, one crane/one patrolling vehicle at each fee plaza. There is also one first aid room at every toll plaza. The concessionaire/O&M agencies are monitoring the accidents and providing ambulance and first aid to the victims of accidents within their respective National Highway section. Similarly, all O&M contractors are providing the above facilities on their projects under incident management.

The State-wise details of deaths that took place in road accidents during the last three calendar years i.e. from 2015 to 2017 are given in the table below :

Total number of deaths that took place in Road Accidents during the last three years: 2015 to 2017

S. No. State /UTs 2015 2016 2017
Andhra Pradesh 8297 8541 8060
Arunachal Pradesh 127 149 110
Assam 2397 2572 2783
Bihar 5121 4901 5554
Chhattisgarh 4082 3908 4136
Goa 311 336 328
Gujarat 8119 8136 7289
Haryana 4879 5024 5120
Himachal Pradesh 1096 1271 1203
Jammu & Kashmir 917 958 926
Jharkhand 2893 3027 3256
Karnataka 10856 11133 10609
Kerala 4196 4287 4131
Madhya Pradesh 9314 9646 10177
Maharashtra 13212 12935 12264
Manipur 139 81 136
Meghalaya 183 150 182
Mizoram 72 70 60
Nagaland 30 46 41
Odisha 4303 4463 4790
Punjab 4893 5077 4463
Rajasthan 10510 10465 10444
Sikkim 70 85 78
Tamil Nadu 15642 17218 16157
Telangana 7110 7219 6596
Tripura 158 173 161
Uttarakhand 913 962 942
Uttar Pradesh 17666 19320 20124
West Bengal 6234 6544 5769
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 23 17 21
Chandigarh 129 151 107
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 42 46 43
Daman & Diu 42 38 36
Delhi 1622 1591 1584
Lakshadweep 0 1 0
Puducherry 235 244 233
Total 146133 150785 147913

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has taken a number of steps including long term strategy to prevent road accidents and road accident fatalities as per details mentioned under: –

  1. The Government has approved a National Road Safety Policy.  This Policy outlines various policy measures such as promoting awareness, establishing road safety information data base, encouraging safer road infrastructure including application of intelligent transport, enforcement of safety laws etc.
  2. The Government has constituted the National Road Safety Council as the apex body to take policy decisions in matters of road safety.
  3. The Ministry has constituted Group of Ministers of State Transport Ministers to examine the best practices of Transport and suggest issues to improve road safety.
  4. Based on the recommendation of Group of Minister, the Ministry introduced Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill 2017 covering entire gamut of road safety.
  5. The Bill contains the provision of creation of Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, implementation of Cashless Treatment Scheme during Golden Hour, setting up of a dedicated agency for road safety viz. National Road Safety and Traffic Management Board (NRSTMB), enhancement of penalty for traffic rule violations, etc. which have direct impact on road safety.
  6. The Ministry has formulated a multi-pronged strategy to address the issue of road safety based on 4 ‘E’s viz. Education, Engineering (both of roads and vehicles), Enforcement and Emergency Care.
  7. Road safety has been made an integral part of road design at planning stage.
  8. Road Safety Audit of selected stretches of National Highways has been taken up.
  9. The threshold for four laning of national highway has been reduced from 15,000 Passenger Car Units (PCUs) to 10,000 PCUs. About 52,000 Km of stretches of State Highways has been identified for conversion to national highways.
  10. Setting up of model driving training institutes in States and refresher training to drivers of Heavy Motor Vehicle in the unorganized sector.
  11. Advocacy/Publicity campaign on road safety through the electronic and print media.
  12. Tightening of safety standards for vehicles like Seat Belts, anti-lock braking system etc.
  13. High priority has been accorded to identification and rectification of black spots (accident prone spots) on national highways.
  14. Guidelines for identification and rectification of black spots, carrying out road safety audits and preparation of road safety improvement proposals on NHs and also guidelines on implementation of road safety engineering measures on state roads under Central Road Fund (CRF) have been issued.
  15. 789 black spots based on fatalities in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 calendars years have been identified. So far 189 spots have already been rectified. Rectification measures at 256 spots have been sanctioned which are in various stages of implementation. 138 spots are on State Government roads / with other agencies. The balance 206 spots would be taken separately or would be rectified as part of ongoing projects.
  16. As a measure of supplementing the efforts of States / UTs for minimizing the accident potential at the identified locations / stretches through engineering improvement on state roads, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways had taken a decision to sanction road safety works on state roads with an earmarked allocation of 10% of funds allocated to the state roads under Central Road Fund.
  17. Ministry has delegated powers to Regional Officers of MORTH for technical approval to the detailed estimates for rectification of identified Road Accident black spots for expediting the rectification process to ensure safety of road users.
  18. Ministry had issued guidelines vide O.M. dated 14.1.2016 for taking up of Road Safety Audits on National Highways either as part of EPC/BOT projects or as stand-alone Road Safety Audits.
  19. Guidelines for pedestrian facilities on National Highways for persons with disabilities have also been issued to all States / UTs.
  20. In order to ensure safe and smooth flow of traffic, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has envisaged a plan for replacement of all the Level Crossing on National Highways by ROBs / RUBs and replacement / widening / strengthening of weak and narrow bridges under a scheme Setu Bhartam. Under this programme, construction of 208 Level Crossings at an estimated cost of Rs. 20,800 Crore are included.
  21. Two National Level Workshops and several Regional Training workshops in 11 states have been organized on Road Safety Engineering.
  22.  A Certification Course for Road Safety Auditors has been commenced in Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) and 42 Auditors are certified.
  23.  Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has constituted a District Road Safety Committee in each district of the country to promote awareness amongst road users under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) from the district.
  24. During 2017-18, National Highways Authority India (NHAI) has conducted the “Free Eye Check-up” campaign at 50 selected Toll-Plazas in order to reduce the no. of accidents involving Multi Axle Vehicles/Trucks and distributed free glasses to the Truck Drivers having poor vision.

This information was given by Shri Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport & Highways in response to a question in Rajya Sabha today.

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