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More than Rs. 200 Cr released for the scheme for improving quality in educational development and preparation of teachers


New Delhi: The focus of the Government is on improving quality in educational development and preparation of teachers and their working conditions in classrooms, schools and colleges, as also their continuous professional development. The Scheme Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) aims at addressing comprehensively all issues related to teachers, teaching, teacher preparation, professional development, curriculum design, and developing assessment & evaluation methodology, research in developing effective Pedagogy.

A total of 64 proposals from various Universities/Institutes which were received from all over the country have been approved till now for setting up institutional arrangements under various components of the Scheme namely Schools of Education (in Central Universities), Centres of Excellence for Curriculum and Pedagogy (which further includes Centres of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education, Teaching Learning Centres and Faculty Development Centres), Inter-University Centres for Teachers’ Education, National Resource Centre for Education, Centres for Academic Leadership and Education Management, Innovations; Awards; Teaching Resource Grant including Workshop & Seminar and Subject Networks for Curricular Renewal and Reforms. Apart from that, Induction training programmes of newly recruited faculty in higher education and Academic leadership development programme for senior academic and administrative functionaries of higher/secondary education institutions are part of the Scheme PMMMNMTT. As of now, Rs. 201.92 crores have been released till date; under the Scheme after it was launched in December, 2014 against funds allocated to the tune of Revised Estimates (RE) of Rs. 15 crores (Financial Year 2014-15), Rs. 63 crores (Financial Year 2015-16), Rs. 110 crores (Financial Year 2016-17) and Rs. 100 crores (Financial Year 2017-18).

This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Dr. Satya Pal Singh today in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.

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