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Mrs Smriti Zubin Irani inaugurates a National Conference on Women in Police and CAPFs in New Delhi


New Delhi: Union Minister for Women and Child Development Mrs Smriti Zubin Irani has stressed the need to train more female forensic investigators and cyber crime experts. Speaking after inaugurating a National Conference on Women in Police and CAPFs organized by the Bureau of Police Research and Development, the BPR&D here, she advised to make an SoP for “One Stop Centre for Women”.

Mrs Irani advised that counselling at the time of recruitment of women in the forces would make them better prepared for their career. The Union Minister regretted that the society still looks at the working women with bias and holds the performance of men to be the only benchmark for success.

The Minister also proposed training of members of the Child Welfare Committees (CWC) and emphasized the need for coordination among the MHA, CWC, NGOs and other stakeholders of the Criminal Justice System, so that once a criminal is punished, he is not able to take advantage of the provisions of law to delay the execution of punishment.

 The main objective of the National Conference was to discuss and deliberate on the following 2 (two) themes:

  1. Cyber Stalking and Bullying of Women : Steps for Protection
  2. Challenges faced by CAPF Women in Operational Areas

          To commemorate this event, the Hon’ble Minister released a hand-out – “BPR&D Mirror – Gender Bender”.

On this occasion, Shri V S K Kaumudi, DG, BPR&D, welcomed the Chief Guest and flagged certain important issues related to women in Police, like workplace harassment besides cyber crime. There are also unique challenges that the woman officers face at the operational level in hard postings.Shri S K Dhyani, DIG (Res), BPR&D, proposed the Vote of Thanks on behalf of the BPR&D.

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