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National Bamboo Mission


New Delhi: The restructured National Bamboo Mission (NBM) has been launched in April, 2018 with an outlay of Rs.1290 crore for two year i.e. till the end of 14th Finance Commission.  Budget Estimate for the Year 2018-19 is Rs.300.00 crores.  The scheme aims to supplement farm income of farmers with focus on the development of complete value chain of bamboo sector to link growers with consumers.  Major objectives of the Mission are:

            1.         To increase the area under bamboo plantation in non forest Government and private lands to supplement farm income and contribute towards resilience to climate change as well as availability of quality raw material requirement of industries.

            2.         To improve post-harvest management through establishment of innovative primary processing units near the source of production, primary treatment and seasoning plants, preservation technologies and market infrastructure.

            3.         To promote product development keeping in view market demand, by assisting R&D, entrepreneurship & business models at micro small and medium levels and feed bigger industry.

            4.         To rejuvenate the under developed bamboo industry in India.

            5.         To promote skill development capacity building, awareness generation for development of bamboo sector from production to market demand.

            6.         To re-align efforts so as to reduce dependency on import of bamboo and bamboo products by way of improved productivity and suitability of domestic raw material for industry, so as to enhance income of the primary producers.

So far 88 Bamboo Treatment Units, 464 Product Development /Processing Units, 135 infrastructure Projects for Promotion and Development of Bamboo Markets have been approved in 16 States as per the Annual Action Plans received for 2018-19.  The operational guidelines also provide for assistance for value added product development and processing, development of tools & equipments, research & development, both in the Government and Private Sector which could include start ups also.

            Year-wise details of financial assistance provided in last three years under erstwhile National Bamboo Mission (upto year 2017-18) & restructured National Bamboo Mission (from year 2018-19) for development of Bamboo/Bamboo Products is as under:-

Year Released amount (Lakh Rs.)
2015-16 6892.91
2016-17 1689.38
2017-18 1052.54
2018-19 (as on 27.12.2018) 11105.22

            Considering the need and demand from bamboo based stakeholders and to provide cheaper bamboo products to the consumers, the Government has reduced GST on bamboo furniture & bamboo flooring to 12%.  The Mission also envisages establishment of primary processing units close to the production area to reduce transportation costs and complete utilization of bamboo to move towards zero wastage so as to improve economies and lower costs to consumers.

            For popularizing use of bamboo & bamboo based products, 235 seminars, conferences, awareness campaign etc.  at National, State & Districts Levels, & capacity building programmes for 15041 participants including farmers/artisans & field functionaries have been approved so far under the restructured NBM.  Awareness is also created through print and electronic media and participation of NBM in fairs and other events.

This information was given by Minister of State for Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Shri Parshottam Rupala.

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