Dehradun: On the occasion of National Girl Child Day Chief Minister Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat inaugurated Smart Classes running through KYAN All in One Device at Rajkiya Purva Madhyamik Vidhyaliya Dehra , Rajpur Road on Wednesday. This is the first device to be launched in Uttarakhand.
Education quality can be improved through e-learning and smart classes in remotest schools – Chief Minister Shri Trivendra
Congratulating IIT-Mumbai for developing the multi-purpose device, Chief Minister Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat said that device has been developed keeping in view the circumstances of the villages. Students will receive better study material and guidance through digital medium. Smart classes, e-learning and digital learning can improve the quality of education at the remote schools where there is a shortage of teachers.
Digital Revolution in Education Sector- Chief Minister
The Chief Minister said that today the person without knowledge of computer will be treated as illiterate. Digital revolution is needed in the field of education. We have to make efforts that every child studying in our schools should be able to study through the computer and projector and learn the books in an interesting manner. The difficult geographical conditions of Uttarakhand and the lack of good teachers in the education sector can also be overcome through smart classes and e-learning.
It is to be mentioned here that KYAN device has been designed by IIT Mumbai, it includes a computer, projector, amplifier and interactive learning facility and high quality audio system. Through this device, children can be taught interestingly by making the walls blackboard. Through the device, children can not only read digital books but also enjoy entertaining knowledgeable programs. This device has been presented by Apex India Consortium Pvt. Ltd. to the school.