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National Workshop on Autism Tools concludes


New Delhi: The three day long National Workshop on Autism Tool organized by the The National Trust, a statutory body under Department for the welfare of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, in collaboration with Child Neurology Division, AIIMS concluded yesterday. The Chairman of the National Trust Sh. Kamlesh Kumar Pandey distributed certificates to the Professionals as Master Trainers for assessment in the process of certification of Autism. The training workshop is a turning point in the detection and certification of Autism.

This Workshop on Autism Training is the first of its kind in India organized by the National Trust and was inaugurated on 31st August 2016 by Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot, Minister for SJ&E as Chief Guest, in the presence of Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar, Minister of State for SJ&E as Guest of Honour. During the inauguration, three books on Autism, used as Modules for training were also launched by Minister for SJ&E. Prof. M.C. Mishra, Director, AIIMS and Prof. V. K. Paul, Head of Department of Pediatrics also attended the inaugural function and appreciated the effort of the National Trust and the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, for taking this initiative. Prof. Mishra also assured for their association and long term collaboration with the Natioanl Trust and the DEPwD.

Sh Thaawarchand Gehlot also visited again on 1st September 2016, during the training workshop to interact with the Professionals and asked for organizing more such training workshop at Zonal level in order to train adequate number of professionals in the country. He also said to involve medical colleges and invite 2 doctors from each Medical College for training them in the Autism. If required, he would also talk to the Minister of Health and Family Welfare for his involvement and support in these activities.

76 Professionals from 18 states comprising of Pediatricians, Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists attended the training workshop using INCLEN and ISAA tool for diagnosis and assessment of Autism, and were made Master Trainers. These Master Trainers will further train other required professionals in their respective states to facilitate to issue of certificate for Autism.

Disability certificate for person with Autism is a primary requirement for availing benefits from the National Trust and other government agencies. In the absence of certificate, they would be deprived of their empowerment and their inclusion in the society.

Though the Government had notified Autism as a disability in 2001, it had not been issuing certificates. It’s a pleasure to inform that the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, under MSJE has notified guidelines on 26th April 2016 to pave the way for constitution of boards and issuing of disability certificates for Autism. This 3 days training workshop is a step forward in the direction of facilitation of certification of persons with disabilities.

Currently there is dearth of experts to appropriately manage and diagnose persons with Autism in the absence of trained man power. Assessment of Autism is not feasible, in the absence of a valid standard rating system. This assessment tool of INCLEN and ISAA can be applied in all parts of the country maintaining high level of uniformity.

On the concluding day, the Joint Secretary & CEO Sh. C.K. Khaitan, in the presence of the Chairperson of the National Trust Sh. Kamlesh Kumar Pandey advised all the Master Trainers to translate these training material on Autism into their regional language and train other professional in their respective states by organizing adequate number of training programs. All the Master Trainers were agreed to carry forward for the this message. In response to Dr. A. Mohanty, President, Association of Pediatrics Society of India, East Zone, consisting of 17 states, regarding advancement of awareness and training activities on Autism, Sh. Khaitan assured to provide all possible support for the training workshop in the East Zone. He also offered his support for other states, in addition to eastern zone states.

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