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NDMA conducts mock exercise in Uttar Pradesh on flood preparedness


New Delhi: In its efforts towards improving flood preparedness ahead of the monsoon season, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)  conducted a mock exercise on flood preparedness in Uttar Pradesh today. The exercise was held in collaboration with State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA).

The simulation exercise was conducted simultaneously in 23 flood-prone districts of the State to assess the preparedness of the State’s machinery for the recurring annual floods. The exercise also helped improve the administration’s capacity in mobilising resources and reaching out to the affected communities swiftly in case of an actual flood situation.

Once the simulation was indicated from the field, EOCs at the districts were activated. Depending on the situation report, rescue teams under Incident Commanders were formed and dispatched to the respective locations. Boats and helicopters were used to simulate the evacuation of the affected villages and bring the residents to relief camps. Preliminary first aid, food packets, drinking water and other necessities were made available at these camps for the evacuated people. The exercise also saw the restoration of essential services, viz. water, electricity, sanitation, schools, etc., after the simulated floods receded.

Afterwards, a post-exercise analysis was carried out by NDMA in which participating officials highlighted the challenges faced by them. Independent observers from Army also shared their feedback and suggested ways to further streamline response mechanisms.Today’s exercise was preceded by an orientation-cum-coordination conference on June 5, 2018, followed by a tabletop exercise yesterday through videoconferencing with all participating districts from the State Capital. These preparatory meetings were conducted to ensure the smooth facilitation of the exercise.

Capacity building and improving disaster preparedness is an ongoing exercise. NDMA has so far conducted more than 600 mock exercises for various disaster situations across the country.

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