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Nepal General Administration and Federal Affairs Minister calls on MoS DoPT Dr Jitendra Singh


New Delhi: The Nepal Minister for General Administration and Federal Affairs, Shri Lal Babu Pandit, currently on a visit to India, today called on Union Minister of State In-Charge Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) Dr Jitendra Singh and held a detailed discussion on various aspects related to exchange of  best practices in governance and seeking India’s help and support to further institutionalize public administration and bureaucratic set-up in Nepal.

Shri Pandit conveyed to Dr Jitendra Singh, gratitude on behalf of Government of Nepal for the support and assistance extended by the Government of India, particularly in capacity enhancement and building of institutions. He said that the Government of Nepal is working in order to make the public administration more suitable to the federal set-up.

Nepal GAD Minister conveyed his government’s keen interest to learn from the governance practices in India, particularly personnel management and management of public administration, so as to replicate such practices in Nepal as well. He also referred to his government’s endeavor to mobilize Civil Services in all the three tiers of governance, for which the Government of  Nepal has brought in Civil Servant Adjustment Ordinance, 2018.

Dr Jitendra Singh assured his counterpart Minister from Nepal of all the possible help and cooperation from the Ministry of Personnel, Government of India. He said, the collaboration between India and Nepal becomes far more easier, considering the friendly and harmonious relationship shared by the two nations and the people-to-people affinity between the two countries.

Dr Jitendra Singh said, the Indian Administrative Services (IAS), which is a reincarnation of the erstwhile Indian Civil Services (ICS), is acknowledged to be among the best bureaucratic set-ups in the world. It has stood the test of time, he said, and lived up to the requirements of varying circumstances and situations.

Responding to the Nepal GAD Minister’s request for exchange of faculty and other mutual interactive programmes, Dr Jitendra Singh said, he would arrange a meeting of the GAD officials from Nepal with the officials in DoPT, so that they could mutually work out what is most suitable for them.

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