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Number of stadiums in the country

Number of stadiums in the country

New Delhi: The Minister of State (I/C) for Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Vijay Goel said in the Rajya Sabha today that  the following  five  stadia in Delhi under Sports Authority of India (SAI) are maintained on behalf of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYA&S) :-

1.    Jawaharlal  Nehru Stadium (JNS)
2.    Indira Gandhi Sports Complex (IGSC)
3.    Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium (MDCNS)
4.    Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Swimming Pool Complex ( SPMSPC)
5.    Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Ranges ( KSSR)

In a written reply he said these stadia are being utilized for conduct of National and International sports events, National Coaching Camps, SAI National Sports Academies, Come and Play scheme for General Public etc.  round the year.

The Field of Play at the five stadia and hostel facilities at JNS and IGSC are being utilized for conducting national camps for preparation of Indian players for the International competitions.

Under SAI’s  “ Come & Play Scheme”  more than 15000 athletes, especially young children, have registered during the year 2016-17 in various SAI Stadia in Delhi.

The facilities at various stadia have also been utilized for hosting several National & International events. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium is one of the venues for FIFA U-17 Scheduled  to be held in October 2017.

The playing and hostel facilities at various stadia are being utilized for National Sports Academies. These academies have been established in the discipline of : Swimming at Dr. SPMSPC, Hockey at MDCNS, Cycling at Cycling Velodrome,  IGSC. (It has also been declared as  World training Centre –Satellite by UCI.), Athletic Academy at JNS, Regional Football Academy at JNS

Sports Authority of India   entered into   MOU with    Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY)   on 31.05.2016 for a period of 5 years for conducting Yoga Training Programs for Athletes and Public at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Swimming Pool Complex and Indira Gandhi Sports Complex.

The scheme of Come & Play was reviewed and in order to encourage mass participation in sports, the fee for admission for public under Come & Play Scheme has been reduced to the bare minimum and free/ concession in some cases. Efforts are being made to increase the footfall by involving Kendriya Vidyalaya and Govt. schools .

To encourage schools, colleges and Universities and also NGOs working for the promotion of sports, the tariff plan has been made reasonable for booking of venues including FOP. This would persuade schools to book the venues for the sports events, thereby giving an opportunity to students to visit various stadia and to pursue sports.

Competitions are being held from December, 2016, on weekly basis at each stadium to remove monotony from training and also to develop the spirit of competition amongst the trainees of Come and Play.

A portal for Online booking of SAI Stadia has been launched from 01.09.2016 onwards to make Stadia bookings more users friendly.

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