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PM to attend Annual DGP Conference at BSF Academy in Tekanpur


New Delhi: Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will attend the Annual Conference of DGPs and IGPs on 7th and 8th January at the BSF Academy at Tekanpur, Madhya Pradesh.

DGPs Conference is an annual event in which top police officers from all over the country share and discuss security related issues. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has addressed the conference earlier in Guwahati, Assam in 2014, Dhordo, Rann of Kutch, Gujarat in 2015 and National Police Academy, Hyderabad in 2016.

During the last meeting, issues such as cross-border terrorism and radicalization were discussed in detail. The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of leadership, soft skills and collective training. He specifically mentioned the importance of technology and human interface for the police force.

Holding the Annual DGP Conference outside the national capital, is in line with Prime Minister’s vision that such conferences should be held across the country, and not just confined to Delhi.

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