New Delhi: The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will distribute Aids and Assistive Devices to Persons with Disabilities at Samajik Adikarita Shivir organized by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in District- Navsari, Gujarat on 17th September, 2016. Shri O.P. Kohli, Governor of Gujarat, Shri Vijay Rupani, Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot, Minister for of Social Justice & Empowerment and various dignitaries from the Central Government Ministries and the State Government of Gujarat will also grace the occasion. More than 11 thousand Persons with Disabilities (PwD) beneficiaries will be provided free-of-cost assistive equipment worth Rs. 10.74crore (approx.), certificate etc. This camp also holds the prospect of entering the ‘Guiness Book World Records’ in three categories namely most people fitted with hearing aid in eight hours, Largest wheelchair logo/image and most oil lamps lit simultaneously – single venue.
DEPwD has the vision to build an inclusive society in which equal opportunities are provided for the growth and development of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) so that they can lead productive, safe and dignified lives. The Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fittings of Aids/Appliances (ADIP Scheme) is in operation since 1981 with the main objective to provide grants-in-aid to the various implementing agencies (National Institutes/ Composite Regional Centres/Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO)/District Disability Rehabilitation Centres/State Handicapped Development Corporations/other local bodies/ NGOs) to assist the needy divyangjan in procuring durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured, modern, standard aids and appliances to promote physical, social and psychological rehabilitation of divyangjan by reducing the effects of disabilities and at the same time enhance their economic potential. The scheme also envisages conduct of corrective surgeries, whenever required, before providing an assistive device. The Scheme has been revised w.e.f.1.4.2014.
The ADIP Camps have been scheduled regularly across different parts of the country and have taken the message of ‘Disability Empowerment’ so far and wide.
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