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PMGSY well on its way to achieve March 2019 target


New delhi: Roads are primary to any development agenda. PMGSY, since its inception in 2000, has been able to provide connectivity to 1,52,124 habitations (85.37% against 1,78,184 eligible habitations). Sensing the importance and urgency of rural roads for national development the target date for completion of PMGSY-I has been preponed from 2022 to 2019. Working towards this accelerated target, sanctions have been given to 1,66,012 habitations (93%) against the target of 1,78,184 eligible habitations. PMGSY through its all-weather roads has contributed this key ingredient of development to 11,499 new unconnected habitations for the first time in 2017-18.

Less than 1% eligible habitations remain to be sanctioned for new connectivity under PMGSY, remaining 6% habitations are either not-feasible or sanctioned by the States from their own resources. Connectivity has been provided to 1,52,124 habitations (including 16,380 habitations connected by the States). In addition, 2109 habitations of 100-249 population have been connected. Under the program, 5,50,533 kms of road length has been constructed.

This centrally sponsored programme implemented in partnership with the state governments, has seen greater focus and consistent improvement in pace and quality in the last three years. The pace of construction of PMGSY roads reached an 8 year high of 134 kms per day in 2017-18 as against an average of 73 kms during the period 2011 to 2014. A total of 48,751 kms of PMGSY roads, connecting 11,499 eligible habitations have been constructed in 2017-18 at an average rate of 134 kms per day. Year-wise progress is as under:

Year Length constructed Rate of construction per day (km)
2011-12 30994.50 85
2012-13 24161.29 66
2013-14 25316.40 69
2014-15 36336.81 100
2015-16 36449.36 100
2016-17 47447.00 130
2017-18 48750.66 134

PMGSY II was launched in 2012-13, so far, 13 states have moved to stage II of the programme. As against a target of 50,000 km, 32,024 km has been sanctioned and 17,705 km road length has been upgraded. Other states are likely to move to PMGSY II in FY 2018-19.

Cabinet has approved a special project for Road Connectivity Project for Left Wing Extremist Areas (RCPLWE) in December 2016. Out of 340 roads of 5,411.81 kms and 126 bridges approved by the Cabinet 268 roads of 4,134.69 km and 181 bridges were also sanctioned in 2017-18. Works in these areas are likely to be completed by 2020. This is over and above the special provision for 100-249 population villages in 267 LWE Blocks, where work is likely to be completed by 2020.

Improving roads, improving lives 

PMGSY not only strives to build roads but good quality roads. The in-built frame work of Quality Management mechanism in PMGSY is a combination of in-house quality control measures and independent verification at state and national levels. 39,811 inspections by State Quality Monitors (SQMs) and 9,204 inspections by National Quality Monitors (NQMs) at the National level were done in 2017-18. This intensified Monitoring has impacted Quality grading positively; 13.98% completed roads were graded as unsatisfactory in 2013-14, the quality of roads has improved substantially, in 2017-18 with 7.46% completed roads graded as unsatisfactory. Rectifications are carried on these roads after the inspections to remove all inconsistencies.


As a measure of Transparency and Accountability, the scheme has put in place a Citizen Feedback system through the MeriSadak App. In addition to Hindi and English, the App is available in 10 regional languages also. This provides a direct interface with the citizens and this G2C platform enables citizens to provide real time feedback on the implementation of the PMGSY programme. Out of 25,414, complaints/feedback related to PMGSY, final replies have been sent in 24,791(97%) cases.

New Technology; green roads

Use of non-conventional, locally available construction materials (waste plastic, cold mix, fly ash, jute and coir geo-textiles, iron and copper slag, cell filled concrete, paneled cement concrete etc.) and “Green Technologies” have been encouraged for climate resilient roads in PMGSY. There has been wide acceptability of these technologies. In the last few years, 33,888 km of road length has been sanctioned and 17,785 km of road length has been constructed. During the financial year 2017-18, a record length of 6,313 kms has been constructed using green technologies. Rajasthan, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Jharkhand are using this in building green PMGSY roads.

Key Priorities for PMGSY for financial year 2018-19

All eligible habitations under PMGSY-I are targeted to be completed by March 2019. Accordingly, Ministry has set a target of construction of 61,000 kms road length by providing connectivity to 19,725 habitations during the financial year 2018-19. Similarly, a target of about 12,000 kms has been set for construction of roads using green technologies. During the financial year 2018-19, about 8,670 inspections of National Quality Monitors and 35,630 inspections of State Quality Monitors are targeted to be completed.

Community Contracting initiative in Rural Roads.

Maintenance of roads assets created under PMGSY is a big focus for the Ministry and through various advocacy workshops etc Rural Road Maintenance policies have been framed for 23 States. Maintenance software eMarg used in MP will be replicated in all states to streamline maintenance systems of rural roads.

A pilot was initiated by the Ministry to involve SHGs in roads maintenance. Uttarakhand Rural Roads Development Agency (URRDA) under the guidance of National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) initiated Community Contracting for “Off-Carriageway Maintenance” in rural roads through the registered all Women Mahila Mangal Dal (MMD). Community contracting for roads maintenance is not only used as a tool for empowerment of women, it also empowers the community to maintain roads especially in hilly terrains. This model has been successfully tried in Badwani District of MP as well.

Use of IT

Satellite imagery is being used to verify the completion of road length being reported by States on the programme software i.e. OMMAS as well as to verify habitation connectivity.  The work of GIS has commenced in all the Districts in the 28 States and GIS has been completed in 19 States. Further use of geo spatial technology for mapping rural roads built under PMGSY are being geo mapped using remote sensing technology, through NRSC and CGARD –NIRD.

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