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Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana (Gramin) (PMAY (G) shall complete one crore houses by March, 2019.


New Delhi: Hon’ble Prime Minister launched PMAY (G) on November 20, 2016 (14 months ago) from Agra, Uttar Pradesh.  The target was to complete one crore houses by March 31, 2019.  Since some Indira AawasYojana (IAY) houses were still incomplete, Department of Rural Development was given a target of 1.02 crore houses, which included completion of two lakh incomplete IAY houses.  This was broken up in 51 lakh houses in 2017-18 and 51 lakh houses in 2018-19.

Against the target of 51 lakh houses in 2017-18, a total of 34.99 lakh houses (29.33 lakh PMAY (G) houses and 5.66 lakh incomplete IAY houses) have already been completed and uploaded on the public website www.pmayg.nic.in.  The number can be checked online in report A2.  This comes to 68.7% of the target for the year. Since more incomplete IAY houses were there, they had to be completed.

When completed houses are uploaded on the website, it is not only physical completion but also geotagging of the completed houses with photograph and other details.  These can be seen in D1 of the GIS reports on www.pmayg.nic.in. Since the process of uploading, geotagging and closure of accounts take a few days, it takes 10-15 days for uploading on site after actual physical completion.  It is for this reason that the final figures of completed houses duly uploaded on the site would be available by 10-15 April, 2018.

The Department is confident of reaching very close to the target on the basis of performance in PMAY (G).  In A1 report on www.pmayg.nic.in, releases of instalment details are also available.  The current position as shown on the public website is as follows:

Sanctions with verified accounts 68.209 lakhs
First instalment paid 60 lakhs
Second instalment paid 47.21 lakhs
Third instalment paid 33.73 lakhs
Completed 29.33 lakh

As is evident from the statement, over 47.21 lakh PMAY (G) houses are at an advanced stage of completion. The target of one crore PMAY (G) houses completion by March, 2019 is easily achievable as it is expected that 60 lakh houses where first instalment has already been released and work is in progress, will get completed by 30.6.2018.  The effort of the Department is to try and complete one crore houses by 31.12.2018, even though the target is 31.3.2019.

            While most major States have performed well in the programme, Assam and Bihar had a very large number of incomplete IAY houses.  Assam also had the NRC process where Block administration was fully involved.  Bihar had the problem of availability of sand for many months.  While these two States have done well in completing old incomplete houses, their performance in PMAY (G) has started picking up now and it is hoped that they too would equal some of the other better performing States.  Likewise, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have their own MISs and as such the uploading of their data on www.pmayg.nic.in  is incomplete.

Number of houses completed as per the PMAY (G) website (www.pmayg.nic.in) in reports section A2 year-wise house completion report all central schemes) from 2014-15 to 2017-18 are as follows:

Year House completed

(Nos. In lakhs)

2014-15 11.91
2015-16 18.23
2016-17 32.24

(as on 21st March, 2018)


uploaded so far.

 As is evident from the facts above, the thrust in 2015-17 was to get incomplete IAY houses completed and over 50.47 lakh houses were completed which had been under construction for many years.  The pace of construction is many times of what it was earlier as is clear from the data presented above.  With improved cost, better designs, IT/DBT, training of rural masons and continuous effective monitoring in partnership with beneficiaries, local governments, State Governments and Central Government, significantly better performance has been achieved.  Department of Rural Development is certain that by March, 2019, given the cooperation of all the States, it will be able to achieve the target of one crore PMAY (G) houses.  Even the target for the current financial year would be nearly achieved once uploading on the website is completed.

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