New Delhi: The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, inaugurated the Mahamastak abhisheka Mahotsav 2018 of Gommateshwara Bhagwan Sri Bahubali Swami at Shravanabelagola today (February 7, 2018).
Speaking on the occasion, the President conveyed his best wishes to organisers and pilgrims gathered there for the successful conduct of Mahamastak abhisheka Mahotsav 2018. He said Samyak Darshan, Samyak Gyan andSamyak Charitra are known as the three gems of Jain philosophy. These are relevant for the entire world. The path of universal welfare can be paved by peace, non-violence, fraternity, morality and sacrifice.
The President noted that a large number of devotees from various parts of our country as well as from across the world have come to Shravanabelagolato pray for world peace.This is inspiring for all of us. He wished all devoteesevery success in their welfare efforts.