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President’s Greetings on the Eve of Parsi New Year

English News

New Delhi: The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind in his message on the eve of the Parsi New Year has said: –

“On the auspicious occasion of the Parsi New Year, I extend my heartiest greetings and best wishes to all the fellow citizens especially to my Parsi brothers and sisters.

New Year’s Day is an occasion of devotion, enthusiasm and celebration for the Parsi Community. This festival also gives us the message of extending our helping hand towards the needy and maintaining cleanliness in our homes, workplaces and neighborhood. The contribution of the Parsi community in nation-building and development is a matter of inspiration and pride for all of us.

May this festival of Parsi society based on the ideals of goodness in thoughts, words and deeds inspire all of us to imbibe positivity and to keep progressing in our social life through mutual harmony”.

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