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Production Performance of Oil & Natural Gas Sector for August, 2016


New Delhi: Crude Oil: Crude oil production during August, 2016 was 3067.80 TMT which is 1.02% and 3.93% lower than target and production achieved in August 2015 respectively. Cumulative crude oil production during April-August, 2016 was 15146.22 TMT which is 0.75% and 3.15% lower than target and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. Unit-wise and state-wise crude oil production is given at Annexure-I. Unit-wise crude oil production for the month of August, 2016 and cumulatively for the period April-August, 2016 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-1 and month-wise in Figure-1. 

Table-1: Crude Oil Production (in TMT) 

Oil Company Target August (Monthly) April-August (Cumulative)
2016-17 (Apr-Mar) 2016-17 2015-16 % over last year 2016-17 2015-16 % over last year
Target Prod.* Prod. Target Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 22766.00 1897.03 1865.31 1929.26 96.69 9339.92 9225.22 9384.57 98.30
OIL 3480.00 276.32 272.08 276.02 98.57 1345.26 1342.94 1388.15 96.74
PSC Fields 10839.32 926.13 930.42 987.86 94.19 4576.01 4578.05 4865.61 94.09
Total 37085.32 3099.48 3067.80 3193.15 96.07 15261.20 15146.22 15638.33 96.85

 Figure-1: Monthly Crude Oil Production 

Unit-wise production details with reasons for shortfall have been given in following sub-sections:

1.1  Crude oil production by ONGC during August, 2016 was 1865.31 TMT which is 1.67% lower than the monthly target and 3.31% less when compared with August, 2015. Cumulative crude oil production during April-August, 2016 was 9225.22 TMT which is 1.23% lower than target for the period and 1.70% lower than the production during corresponding period of last year.  Reasons for shortfall in production in some fields are as under:

  • Repair of sub-sea leakage in well fluid lines and less than planned production from Marginal fields
  • Repair of sub-sea leakage in 16″ HSC–HRG well fluid line

1.2     Crude oil production by OIL during August, 2016 was 272.08 TMT which is 1.54% lower than monthly target and 1.43% less than production in August 2015. Cumulative crude oil production during April-August, 2016 was 1342.94 TMT which is 0.17% lower than target for the period and 3.26% lower than the production during corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:

  • Less than planned contribution from old wells.
  • Rise in water cut in wells of Greater Hapjan, Greater Chandmari fields & Naharkatiya fields.
  • Loss in production of 2622 MT on account of strike by drivers during 15th to 18th Aug’16, bomb blasts at Tinsukia, Dibrugarh and Sibsagar districts on 14th & 15th Aug’16 and miscreant activities/local problems at various locations during the month.

1.3    Crude oil production by Pvt. /JVs during August 2016 was 930.42 TMT which is 0.46% higher than the monthly target but 5.81% less when compared with August, 2015. Cumulative crude oil production during April-August, 2016 was 4578.05 TMT which is marginally higher (0.04%) than target for the period and 5.91% lower than the production during corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:

  • Natural Decline in Ravva, CB-OS/2 and well fluid riser problems in Panna-Mukta
  • Closure of one well in MA and one well in D1D3 field in KG-DWN-98/3
  • Underperformance of Bhagyam field and natural decline of Mangala wells of RJ-ON-90/1

Natural Gas

  1. Natural gas production during August, 2016 was 2674.15 MMSCM which is 4.90% lower than the target for the month and 5.72% lower than the production in August, 2015. Cumulative natural gas production during April-August, 2016 was 13123.44 MMSCM which is 3.27% lower than target for the period and 4.20% lower than the production during corresponding period of last year. Unit-wise and state-wise natural gas production is given at Annexure-II. Unit-wise natural gas production for the month of August, 2016 and cumulatively for the period April-August, 2016 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-2 and month-wise in Figure-2.

            Table-2: Natural Gas Production (MMSCM) 

Oil Company Target August (Monthly) April-August (Cumulative)
2016-17 (Apr-Mar) 2016-17 2015-16 % over last year 2016-17 2015-16 % over last year
Target Prod.* Prod. Target Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 22743.43 1877.46 1845.51 1855.82 99.44 8964.30 8841.63 9022.49 98.00
OIL 2950.03 257.03 244.05 242.66 100.57 1265.79 1230.88 1116.89 110.21
PSC Fields 8425.44 677.35 584.59 737.88 79.23 3337.48 3050.93 3559.40 85.71
Total 34118.90 2811.85 2674.15 2836.36 94.28 13567.57 13123.44 13698.78 95.80

*: Provisional 

Figure-2: Monthly Natural Gas Production

2.1      Natural gas production by ONGC during August, 2016 was 1845.51 MMSCM which is 1.70% lower than the monthly target and 0.56% lower when compared with August, 2015. Cumulative natural gas production during April-August, 2016 was 8841.63 MMSCM which is 1.37% lower than the cumulative target and 2.0% lower than the production during the corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:

  • Natural decline from Bassein field and restricted withdrawal of gas by GAIL in EOA

2.2           Natural gas production by OIL during August, 2016 was 244.05 MMSCM which is 5.05% lower than the monthly target but 0.57% higher than August 2015. Cumulative natural gas production during April-August, 2016 was 1230.88 MMSCM which is 2.76% lower than the cumulative target but 10.21% higher than the production during the corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:

  • Loss in gas production potential on account of water loading of high potential wells, unexpected subsurface problems

2.3      Natural gas production by Pvt. /JVs during August 2016 was 584.59 MMSCM which is 13.70% lower than the monthly target and 20.77% less when compared with August, 2015. Cumulative natural gas production during April-August, 2016 was 3050.93 MMSCM which is 8.59% lower than the cumulative target and 14.29% lower than the production during the corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:

  • Underperformance of KG-OSN-2001/3
  • Increase in water cut in few wells in RJ-ON/6
  • Underperformance of Raniganj East, Sohagpur West & Raniganj South CBM blocks
  • Closure of one well each in MA and D1D3 in KG-DWN-98/3
  • Increase in water cut in few wells in RJ-ON/6 

Refinery Production (in terms of Crude oil processed) 

3          Refinery production during August, 2016 was 20290.26 TMT which is 2.32% higher than the target for the month and 3.46% higher than the production during corresponding period of last year. Cumulative production during April-August, 2016 was 101784.38 TMT which is 3.35% higher than the target for the period and 7.64% higher than the production during corresponding period of last year. Unit-wise production is given at Annexure-III. Unit-wise production for the month of August, 2016 and cumulatively for the period April-August, 2016 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-3 and month-wise in Figure-3.

            Table 3: Refinery Production (TMT) 

Oil Company Target August (Month) April-August (Cumulative)
2016-17 (Apr-Mar) 2016-17 2015-16 % over last year 2016-17 2015-16 % over last year
Target Prod.* Prod. Target Prod.* Prod.
A. Public Sector 135565.03 10894.00 10985.15 10296.55 106.69 55625.78 56599.40 50938.73 111.11
IOCL 65100.00 5410.30 4953.45 4558.39 108.67 26634.68 26736.96 22875.57 116.88
BPCL 25250.15 2049.97 2150.36 2033.01 105.77 10211.48 10485.93 10142.12 103.39
HPCL 16800.29 1147.31 1253.23 1551.45 80.78 6925.89 7152.95 6465.36 110.63
CPCL 10250.00 951.11 1006.67 549.16 183.31 4599.35 4645.52 4148.96 111.97
NRL 2670.00 231.37 239.04 252.93 94.51 1142.44 1163.62 918.56 126.68
MRPL 15450.00 1100.00 1376.01 1349.04 102.00 6095.00 6380.13 6366.61 100.21
ONGC 44.59 3.95 6.40 2.56 250.14 16.94 34.29 21.54 159.16
B. Joint Venture 15000.00 1246.02 1521.60 1557.55 97.69 6478.73 7358.10 7002.52 105.08
BORL 6000.00 450.00 587.60 620.19 94.74 2550.00 2771.82 2425.00 114.30
HMEL 9000.00 796.02 934.00 937.36 99.64 3928.73 4586.28 4577.52 100.19
C. Private Sector 89852.65 7689.74 7783.51 7757.64 100.33 36385.32 37826.87 36616.40 103.31
RIL 69561.01 5998.74 6002.57 5998.74 100.06 27930.35 29068.16 27930.35 104.07
EOL 20291.64 1691.00 1780.94 1758.90 101.25 8454.97 8758.71 8686.05 100.84
TOTAL (A+B+C) 240417.68 19829.76 20290.26 19611.74 103.46 98489.83 101784.38 94557.65 107.64

*: Provisional

Figure 3: Monthly Refinery Production 

3.1         PSU Refineries’ production during August, 2016 was 10985.15 TMT which is 0.84% higher than the target for the month and 6.69% higher than the production achieved in the corresponding month of last year. Cumulative production during April-August, 2016 was 56599.40 TMT which is 1.75% higher than the target for the period and 11.11% higher than the production during corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall of refinery production in some PSU refineries are as under:

  • IOCL, Guwahati & Digboi: Lower crude availability.
  • IOCL, Panipat: Throughput is restricted due to advancement of planned shut-down of Diesel Hydro Treatment unit.
  • IOCL, Paradip: Throughput is lower due to delay in commissioning of South oil jetty and Continuous Catalytic Reforming Unit under shut-down for maintenance.

3.2         Production in JV refineries during August, 2016 was 1521.60 TMT which is 22.12% higher than the target for the month but 2.31% lower than the production achieved in the corresponding month of last year. Cumulative production during April-August, 2016 was 7358.10 TMT which is 13.57% higher than the target for the period and 5.08% higher than the production during corresponding period of last year.

3.3       Production in private refineries during August, 2016 was 7783.51 TMT which is 1.22% higher than the target for the month and 0.33% higher than the production achieved in the corresponding month of last year. Cumulative production during April-August, 2016 was 37826.88 TMT which is 3.96% higher than the target for the period and 3.31% higher than the production during corresponding period of last year.

3.4       Refinery-wise details of the capacity utilization and production of petroleum products during the month of August, 2016 and cumulatively for the period April-August, 2016 vis-à-vis April-August, 2015 are given at Annexures-IV and V respectively.

  1. Figures of percentage growth of Public Sector Refineries in the monthly report for July 2016 were printed incorrectly, which is regretted.Modified Table 3 also incorporating targets of Refinery Production, since finalised, is at Annexure VI. .

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