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Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production and Use-Based Index for the Month of JULY, 2016


New Delhi: The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with base 2004-05 for the month of July 2016 have been released by the Central Statistics Office of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. IIP is compiled using data received from 15 source agencies viz. (i) Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP); (ii) Indian Bureau of Mines; (iii) Central Electricity Authority; (iv) Joint Plant Committee, Ministry of Steel; (v) Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas; (vi) Office of Textile Commissioner; (vii) Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals; (viii) Directorate of Sugar & Vegetable Oils; (ix) Department of Fertilizers; (x) Tea Board; (xi) Office of Jute Commissioner; (xii) Office of Coal Controller; (xiii) Railway Board; (xiv) Office of Salt Commissioner; and (xv) Coffee Board.

  1. The General Index for the month of July 2016 stands at 176.1, which is 2.4 percent lower as compared to the level in the month of July 2015. The cumulative growth for the period April-July 2016 over the corresponding period of the previous year stands at (-) 0.2 percent.
  2. The Indices of Industrial Production for the Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity sectors for the month of July 2016 stand at 118.7, 184.5 and 193.3 respectively, with the corresponding growth rates of 0.8 percent, (-) 3.4 percent and 1.6 percent as compared to July 2015 (Statement I). The cumulative growth in these three sectors during April-July 2016 over the corresponding period of 2015 has been 2.0 percent, (-) 1.4 percent and 7.1 percent respectively.
  3. In terms of industries, twelve out of the twenty two industry groups ( as per 2-digit NIC-2004) in the manufacturing sector h ave shown negative growth during the month of July 2016 as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year (St atement II). The industry group ‘Electrical machinery & apparatus n.e.c.’ has shown the highest negative growth of (-) 59.2 percent followed by (-) 16.8 percent in ‘Medical, precision & optical instruments, watches and clocks’ and    (-) 16.2 percent in ‘Wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur’. On the other hand, ‘Tobacco products’ has shown the highest positive growth of 22.3 percent, followed by 12.3 percent in ‘Coke, refined petroleum products & nuclear fuel’ and 10.9 percent in ‘Radio, TV and communication equipment & apparatus’.
  4. As per Use-based classification, the growth rates in July 2016 over July 2015 are 2.0 percent in Basic goods, (-) 29.6 percent in Capital goods and 3.4 percent in Intermediate goods (Statement III).  The Consumer durables and Consumer non-durables have recorded growth of 5.9 percent and (-) 1.7 percent respectively, with the overall growth in Consumer goods being 1.3 percent.
  5. Some important items showing high negative growth during the current month over the same month in previous year include ‘Cable, Rubber Insulated’            [(-) 91.1%], ‘Marble Tiles/ Slabs’ [(-) 62.3%], ‘H R Sheets’ [(-) 59.2%], ‘Sugar Machinery’ [(-) 52.7%], ‘Sealed Compressors’ [(-) 33.3%] and ‘Rice’ [(-) 24.0%].
  6. Some important items that have registered high positive growth include ‘Air Conditioner (Room)’ (102.8%), ‘Wood Furniture’ (74.1%), ‘Instant Food Mixes (Ready to eat)’ (65.3%), ‘Colour TV Sets’ (28.9%), ‘PurifiedTerephthalic acid’ (27.1%), ‘Antibiotics & It’s Preparations’ (26.9%) and ‘Terry Towel’ (21.9%).
  7. Taking into account the weights, the dominant item groups (five each) which have positively and negatively contributed to the overall growth of IIP are given below:
Item Group Weights (%) Contribution
High Negative Contributors
Cable, Rubber Insulated 0.12 -4.2456
Apparels 2.03 -0.3636
Rice 0.66 -0.1644
H R Sheets 0.31 -0.1632
Conductor, Aluminium 0.20 -0.1418
High Positive Contributors
Diesel, High Speed 2.11 0.2975
Antibiotics & It’s Preparations 2.38 0.2972
Air Conditioner (Room) 0.29 0.2856
Pan Masala 0.09 0.2079
Telephone Instruments Including Mobile Phone And Accessories 0.22 0.2015

  1. Along with the Quick Estimates of IIP for the month of July 2016, the indices for June 2016 have undergone the first revision and those for April 2016 have undergone the final revision in the light of the updated data received from the source agencies. It may be noted that these revised indices (first revision) in respect of June 2016 may undergo final (second) revision along with the release of IIP for the month of September 2016.
  2. Statements giving Quick Estimates of the Index of Industrial Production at Sectoral, 2-digit level of National Industrial Classification (NIC-2004) and by Use-based classification for the month of July 2016, along with the growth rates over the corresponding month of the previous year including the cumulative indices are enclosed.
(Base : 2004-05=100)
Month Mining Manufacturing Electricity General
(141.57) (755.27) (103.16) (1000.00)
2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Apr 121.9 122.7 188.5 181.7 177.2 203.0 177.9 175.5
May 127.9 129.7 187.3 188.4 195.0 204.2 179.7 181.7
Jun 121.6 128.0 189.5 190.9 183.7 198.9 179.3 182.8
Jul* 117.7 118.7 190.9 184.5 190.3 193.3 180.5 176.1
Aug 120.2 184.8 194.4 176.6
Sep 119.3 186.9 195.7 178.2
Oct 130.8 188.1 201.6 181.4
Nov 130.8 171.7 175.6 166.3
Dec 137.3 193.1 183.2 184.2
Jan 138.8 194.8 188.3 186.2
Feb 136.1 193.9 181.9 184.5
Mar 149.5 208.1 197.2 198.7
Apr-Jul 122.3 124.8 189.1 186.4 186.6 199.9 179.4 179.0
Growth over the corresponding period of previous year
Jul* 1.3 0.8 4.8 -3.4 3.5 1.6 4.3 -2.4
Apr-Jul 0.6 2.0 4.0 -1.4 2.6 7.1 3.5 -0.2
* Indices for July 2016 are Quick Estimates.
NOTE : Indices for the months of Apr’16 and Jun’16 incorporate updated production data.

(Base: 2004-05=100)
Industry Description Weight           Index           Cumulative Index   Percentage growth
code     Jul’15 Jul’16 Apr-Jul Jul’16 Apr-Jul
          2015-16 2016-17   2016-17
15 Food products and beverages 72.76 133.0 132.0 149.9 136.5 -0.8 -8.9
16 Tobacco products 15.70 91.2 111.5 97.9 99.0 22.3 1.1
17 Textiles 61.64 155.4 158.9 154.7 159.2 2.3 2.9
18 Wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur 27.82 192.6 161.4 197.0 191.7 -16.2 -2.7
19 Luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness & footwear; tanning and dressing of leather products 5.82 150.5 135.3 152.9 136.7 -10.1 -10.6
20 Wood and products of wood & cork except furniture; articles of straw & plating materials 10.51 168.2 154.9 160.5 153.8 -7.9 -4.2
21 Paper and paper products 9.99 146.0 144.9 144.8 149.9 -0.8 3.5
22 Publishing, printing & reproduction of recorded media 10.78 162.6 161.2 164.6 158.7 -0.9 -3.6
23 Coke, refined petroleum products & nuclear fuel 67.15 149.3 167.6 146.8 161.7 12.3 10.1
24 Chemicals and chemical products 100.59 145.2 153.1 143.4 148.3 5.4 3.4
25 Rubber and plastics products 20.25 184.7 191.4 192.5 197.3 3.6 2.5
26 Other non-metallic mineral products 43.14 167.9 167.5 169.5 173.4 -0.2 2.3
27 Basic metals 113.35 229.5 234.0 230.6 236.3 2.0 2.5
28 Fabricated metal products, except machinery & equipment 30.85 185.0 178.7 170.9 175.8 -3.4 2.9
29 Machinery and equipment n.e.c. 37.63 192.4 209.4 233.2 253.9 8.8 8.9
30 Office, accounting & computing machinery 3.05 49.3 44.4 54.7 57.7 -9.9 5.5
31 Electrical machinery & apparatus n.e.c. 19.80 671.8 274.2 559.2 272.2 -59.2 -51.3
32 Radio, TV and communication equipment & apparatus 9.89 375.2 416.1 328.5 370.0 10.9 12.6
33 Medical, precision & optical instruments, watches and clocks 5.67 104.0 86.5 94.7 95.4 -16.8 0.7
34 Motor vehicles, trailers & semi-trailers 40.64 245.0 253.7 232.6 246.4 3.6 5.9
35 Other transport equipment 18.25 278.7 282.9 258.8 276.2 1.5 6.7
36 Furniture; manufacturing n.e.c. 29.97 162.6 158.6 155.8 155.5 -2.5 -0.2
10 Mining & Quarrying 141.57 117.7 118.7 122.3 124.8 0.8 2.0
15-36 Manufacturing 755.27 190.9 184.5 189.1 186.4 -3.4 -1.4
40 Electricity 103.16 190.3 193.3 186.6 199.9 1.6 7.1
General Index 1000 180.5 176.1 179.4 179.0 -2.4 -0.2

*Industry codes are as per National Industrial Classification 2004

(Base : 2004-05=100)
  Basic goods Capital goods Intermediate goods Consumer goods
              Total Durables Non-durables
Month (456.82) (88.25) (156.86) (298.08) (84.60) (213.47)
  2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17
Apr 167.3 175.4 248.0 185.2 153.2 156.7 186.5 182.8 258.7 289.2 157.9 140.6
May 177.4 184.1 234.9 205.9 157.4 163.5 178.7 180.5 252.4 267.5 149.5 146.0
Jun 171.9 181.8 265.4 222.1 153.1 161.8 179.0 183.8 246.1 259.8 152.4 153.7
Jul* 171.6 175.1 289.9 204.0 158.5 163.9 173.2 175.5 244.2 258.6 145.1 142.6
Aug 170.0 267.5 156.2 170.8 256.0 137.0
Sep 168.0 287.2 154.0 174.5 262.0 139.8
Oct 175.0 278.6 154.7 176.3 272.2 138.3
Nov 167.3 190.6 149.2 166.8 226.1 143.3
Dec 175.8 219.5 161.4 198.6 242.5 181.2
Jan 178.8 212.2 162.8 202.1 260.5 178.9
Feb 173.5 231.1 159.2 200.8 277.2 170.5
Mar 188.7 280.7 171.8 204.0 288.3 170.6
Apr-Jul 172.1 179.1 259.6 204.3 155.6 161.5 179.4 180.7 250.4 268.8 151.2 145.7
Growth over the corresponding period of previous year
Jul* 5.4 2.0 10.1 -29.6 2.0 3.4 1.1 1.3 10.5 5.9 -4.4 -1.7
Apr-Jul 4.9 4.1 4.2 -21.3 1.7 3.8 2.2 0.7 5.3 7.3 0.1 -3.6
* Indices for July 2016 are Quick Estimates.
NOTE : Indices for the months of Apr’16 and Jun’16 incorporate updated production data.

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