It’s known that superstar Rajinikanth has completed the shooting of two of his upcoming films 2.0 and Kaala. However, the makers of both the film have not revealed the release date of the respective films. Though there were reports that Kaala will hit the screens before 2.0, Rajinikanth squashed the reports and confirmed that Kaala will release only after the release of 2.0.
And now, according to Kollywood media circles, the maker of Kaala, actor Dhanush is planning to release the film on 2018 Independence day weekend. The post production works of the film are going at a brisk speed and the makers are planning to release the film as Independence weekend release. If it’s true, then we can see yet another epic clash as Rajinikanth’s co-star in 2.0 and Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar’s Gold is also hitting the screens worldwide on the same occasion.
Meanwhile, the makers of 2.0 have planned to announce the release date of 2.0 on the auspicious occasion of Thalaivar’s birthday, on December 12.