New Delhi: Raksha Mantri Smt Nirmala Sitharaman visited the proposed site for the Indian Coast Guard Training Centre at Baikampady, Mangalore in Karnataka accompanied by Director General Indian Coast Guard Shri Rajendra Singh.
Raksha Mantri also visited Coast Guard District Headquarters Karnataka. The proposed training centre is being developed on 160 acres of land, which has been cleared by the Government on 10 December 2017. This is her maiden visit to Coast Guard, Karnataka as Raksha Mantri during which she was apprised about the operational preparedness, coastal security mechanism, infrastructure development and administrative set up of Coast Guard, Karnataka. She also reviewed the rescue operations conducted by the Coast Guard, Karnataka during cyclone Ockhi.
Smt Sitharaman, on her arrival inspected the Guard of Honour given by Coast Guard, Karnataka before visiting the Remote Operating Station – New Mangalore. This station is a part of the chain of static sensors in the West Coast for gap free electronic surveillance of the entire coast up to 25 nautical miles from the coast.
The RM also interacted with the troops of Coast Guard, Karnataka who man the ships and aircraft including bases. She appreciated their dedication to the service and efforts in guarding the nation’s interest in the sea.