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Realized Energy Saving of 8.67 MTOE under PAT Scheme exceeds Energy Saving Targets of 6.68 MTOE by about 30%: Shri R.K. Singh


New Delhi: Minister of State (IC) for Power and New & Renewable Energy, Shri Raj Kumar Singh, in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today, informed that the outcome of the Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme has exceeded the expectations, as the realized energy saving of 8.67 Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent (MTOEis about 30more than the assigned energy saving targets of 6.68 MTOE.

Shri Singh informed that under the scheme, PAT CycleI was completed in March, 2015In this cycle, 478 Designated Consumers (DCsbelonging to 8 sectors (Aluminium, Cement, ChlorAlkali, Fertilizer, Iron & Steel, Pulp & Paper, Thermal Power and Textilewere notified with mandatory specific energy consumption (i.eenergy use per unit of productionreduction targets.

Further, these cumulative energy saving targets of 6.68 MTOE were to be achieved in a cycle of 3 years.  At the end of the PAT CycleI, upon monitoring and verification (M&V), which was carried out by third party energy auditors, accredited and empanelled by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), it has been assessed that these DCs have collectively achieved energy savings of about 8.67 MTOE.

The sectorwise details of the energy saving targets assigned at the beginning and achievements at the end of the PAT CycleI are given below: 



Sectors Noof Identified


Annual Energy Consumption


Target of Energy Reduction


Actual Savings


1 Aluminium 10 7.71 0.46 0.73
2 Cement 85 15.00 0.81 1.44
3 Chlor- Alkali 22 0.88 0.05 0.13
4 Fertilizer 29 8.20 0.48 0.83
5 Iron & Steel 67 25.30 1.48 2.10
6 Paper & Pulp 31 2.09 0.12 0.26
7 Textile 90 1.20 0.07 0.12
8 Thermal Power Plant 144 105.00 3.21 3.06
Total 478 165.38 6.68 8.67

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