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Resource book for stakeholders dealing with Child Rights and Child Protection issues released by NCPCR

Resource book for stakeholders dealing with Child Rights and Child Protection issues released by NCPCR

New Delhi: The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) in a unique initiative has partnered with UNICEF India to publish a Resource Book that will serve as a ready reference for all the Stakeholders dealing with child rights and child protection issues . The book which was released recently by Supreme Court Judge, Justice Madan B. Lokur clearly defines the roles of the Commissions with their responsibilities for catalysing systematic changes for advancement of child rights. The resource book also provides a brief frame work for examining and understanding contemporary child rights issues, in addition to those mentioned in the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005.

The 343-page, lucidly written publication clearly defines the roles of the Commissions as quasi-judicialstatutory bodies and the co-ordination mechanism with other important stake holders like Child Welfare Committees, Juvenile Justice Boards, Law Enforcement Agencies and the Judiciary.

The Resource Book is the outcome of the endeavour by NCPCR to create synergy amongst all State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights, to share Information, Challenges and best practices and collectively suggest strategies to strengthen measures for better protection of children and safeguarding their rights.

The process began in the early part of 2016 and suggestions received were discussed on 30th June, 2016 with the State Commissions at Delhi. It was followed by another consultation in September, 2016 which resulted in the formation of a dynamic and interactive WhatsApp group of the Commissions.

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