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RM appreciates National Level Open Challenge Competition “Solution to Problem: DefExpo 2018” Winners


New Delhi: Raksha Mantri Smt Nirmala Sitharaman gave away prizes for National Level Open Challenge Competition “Solution to Problem: DefExpo 2018” during DefExpo India 2018 at Thiruvidanthai, Kancheepuram district on the East Coast Road near Chennai.

Raksha Mantri said that much more than anything else in the DefExpo this was the most interesting aspect. She appreciated the students for their contributions for the betterment in the field of science and technology in general and defence technology in particular and mentioned that she was seeing better future for the country as most of these young minds have come up with such ingenious solutions in spite of tied up with the academic schedules.

Smt Sitharaman encouraged the winners to keep up the good work and said Ministry of Defence would be always looking forward to engaging such brilliant minds in future as well.

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