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Roadmap for Cashless Transactions in Ration Shops


New Delhi: The Department of Food and Public Distribution has prepared a detailed roadmap and an action plan along-with State-wise targets to implement the various modes of cashless transactions. However, complete roll out of the strategy for cashless mechanism depends on readiness of the States/UTs, availability of adequate infrastructure, status of financial inclusion, level of Aadhaar seeding, awareness level of beneficiaries and telecom coverage etc. Accordingly, all States/UTs Governments have been advised to adopt a phase wise approach, starting with Metropolitan Cities, Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, District Headquarters and other urban areas where the conditions allow for an effective implementation and then eventually expanding it to semi-urban and rural areas.

This Department had briefed all Food Secretaries of States/UTs through Video Conferencing to adopt various modes of cashless transactions at all Fair Price Shops. Secretary (F&PD) also shared roadmap with state-wise targets to all Chief Secretaries/Administrators. A national level Conference was also held on 19.01.2017 on ‘PDS Reforms & Cashless Environment’ with State Food Ministers and Secretaries of Food, Civil supplies and Consumer Affairs of all States/UTs at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. Food Ministers of all States/UTs have been requested to enable cashless transactions in all FPSs and to monitor the progress.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Shri C.R Chaudhary while replying to a written in Rajya Sabha today.

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