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Sanjay Dhotre launches Curriculum for Life Skills (Jeevan Kaushal) designed by University Grants Commission (UGC)


New Delhi: Union Minister of State for Human Resource Development Shri Sanjay Dhotre, launched the Curriculum for Life Skills (Jeevan Kaushal) designed by University Grants Commission (UGC), in New Delhi today.

While speaking on the occasion, Shri Dhotre emphasized on development of life skills in every individual, as essential part of wholesome learning. He highlighted the problem of prevalent obsession with earning marks in different examinations. Such examination-driven education encourages narrow and selective reading and rote learning, which ultimately leads to deficit in actual learning. He added that in real life, one also needs to be skilled for coping with diverse situations that one may encounter in life. Highlighting the crucial importance of this new curriculum on life skills, he added that this initiative of UGC will surely lead to improvement in the collective efficiency of country’s young population.

In India, there is an unprecedented demand for quality higher education for producing employable, exceptionally performing graduates qualified with skills, knowledge and ethics essential for leading a rewarding life and it is with this aim University Grants Commission issued Quality Mandate and its objectives. Quality Mandate of UGC has been adopted in the National Conference of Vice – Chancellors and Directors on Research & Innovation held between 26th to 28th July, 2018 and Life Skills (Jeevan Kaushal) for students is one of its verticals.

UGC constituted Expert Committee prepared a Curriculum for Life Skills (Jeevan Kaushal) for Under Graduate Programme. The curriculum is designed to impart and strengthen the knowledge,skills and dispositions believed to be the best requisites of the current Industry and thereby empower the talent inherent in each learner. Life Skills like communication skill, interpersonal skill, time management, problem solving ability, decision making capacity, leadership ability and integrity play a crucial role in boosting the employability of the students.

Life skills (Jeevan Kaushal) curriculum cover the set of human talents acquired by an individual via classroom learning or life experience that can help them to deal with problems encountered in day to day life. This includes the core skills each individual must possess internally as well as externally for the betterment of self and the society as a whole. Adoption of life skills is the key to success and quality in life.

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