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Schemes launched by Ministry of Tribal Affairs for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes


New Delhi: The following are the schemes of Ministry of Tribal Affairs for the welfare of scheduled tribes:

Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)

Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)is 100% grant from Government of India  (since 1977-78). It is charged to Consolidated Fund of India (except grants for North Eastern States, a voted item) and is an additive to State Plan funds and efforts for Tribal Development. This grant is utilized for economic development of Integrated Tribal Development Project (ITDP), Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA), Modified Area Development Approach (MADA), Clusters, Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) and dispersed tribal population. SCA to TSS covers 23 States: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu &Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Odisha, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

Grants-in-aid under Article 275(1) of the Constitution:

Grants-in-aid under Proviso to Article 275(1) of Constitution of India is 100% annual grant from Government of India to States. It is charged to Consolidated Fund of India (except grants for NE States, a voted item) and is an additive to State Plan funds and efforts for Tribal Development. Grant is provided to 27 States, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal. Funds are utilised for the socio economic development of ITDA, MADA, Clusters and for PVTGs.

Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs):

The scheme of Development of PVTGs covers 75 identified PVTGs in 18 States and UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands for the activities like housing, land distribution, land development, agricultural development, animal husbandry, construction of link roads, installation of non-conventional sources of energy for lighting purpose, social security including JanashreeBima Yojana or any other innovative activity meant for the comprehensive socio-economic development of PVTGs. The scheme is flexible as it enables the States to focus on areas that they consider is relevant to PVTGs and their socio-cultural environment.

Institutional Support for Development & Marketing of Tribal Products / Produce (Central Sector Scheme)

Under the scheme, Grants-in-aid are released to State Tribal Development Cooperative Corporations (STDCCs) and Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED) which is a multi-State Cooperative under Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA).

The scope of this Scheme is: –

                  To give comprehensive support for people belonging to various tribes in the entire range of production, product development, preservation of traditional heritage, support to both forest and agricultural produce of tribal people, support to Institutions to carry the above activities, provisions of better infrastructure, development of designs, dissemination of information about price and the agencies which are buying the products, support to Government agencies for sustainable marketing and thereby ensure a reasonable price regime.

Sharing of information with Gram Panchayats and Gram Sabhas ,Skill upgradation, development of utilitarian products for increase in value in market.

         The objective of the Scheme is to create institutions for the Scheduled Tribes to support marketing and development of activities they depend on for their livelihood.  These are sought to be achieved by specific measures like (i) market intervention; (ii) training and skill up-gradation of tribal Artisans, Craftsmen, Minor Forest Produce (MFP) gatherers etc.; (iii) R&D/IPR activity; and (iv) Supply chain infrastructure development.

‘Mechanism for Marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and Development of Value Chain for MFP’ as a measure of social safety for MFP gatherers (Centrally Sponsored Scheme)         

This Ministry has introduced from the year 2013-14, a centrally sponsored scheme of ‘Mechanism for marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and Development of Value Chain for MFP’ as a measure of social safety for MFP gatherers who are primarily member of Scheduled Tribesand other traditional forest dwellers whose very livelihood depends on collection and selling of MFP.

The scheme seeks to establish a system to ensure fair monetary returns for their efforts in collection, primary processing, storage, packaging, transportation etc. It also seeks to get them a share of revenue from the sales proceeds with cost deducted. It also aims to address other issues for sustainability of process.

The scheme envisages fixation and declaration of Minimum Support Price for the selected MFP. Procurement & Marketing operation at pre fixed MSP will be undertaken by the designated State Agencies. Simultaneously, other medium &long term issues like sustainable collection, value addition, infrastructure development, knowledge base expansion of MFP, market intelligence development, strengthening the bargaining power of Gram Sabha/ Panchayat will also be addressed.

To start with, the scheme had been implemented in States having areas under Schedule V of the Constitution and covered ten MFP items. Recently, however, the guidelines of the scheme ‘Mechanism for Marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) and Development of Value Chain for MFP’ has been modified after discussion with various stakeholders and TRIFED, and MSP of the existing MFP items has been revised as also fourteen more MFP items have been added to the list.

 Support to National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC)/State Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporations (STFDCs)

NSTFDC a fully owned Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India, is provided with 100% equity share capital contribution by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.  The authorized share capital of the Corporation is Rs. 750.00 crore.  The paid up Share capital is Rs 599.11 crore (as on 31.12.2017).  The main objectives of NSTFDC are:-

To identify economic activities of importance to the Scheduled Tribes so as to generate self-employment and raise their income level.To upgrade their skills and processes through both institutional and on the job training.To make existing State/ UT Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporations (SCAs) and other developmental agencies engaged in economic development of the Scheduled Tribes more effective.To assist SCAs in project formulation, implementation of NSTFDC assisted schemes and in imparting training to their personnel.To monitor implementation of NSTFDC assisted schemes in order to assess their impact.The STFDCs are catering to STs in various States and are provided assistance in the form of contribution towards share capital by this Ministry.  The ratio of its contribution is in the share of 51:49 between State Government and Central Government.  The main objectives of the scheme are:-Identification of eligible ST families and motivating them to undertake economic development schemes.Sponsoring those schemes to financial institutions for credit support.Providing financial assistance in form of margin money on low rate of interest; and Providing necessary linkage/ tie-up with other poverty alleviation programmes.


Applicable to students who are studying in Classes IX–X. Parental income from all sources should be less than Rs.2.00 lakhs per annum, which is proposed to be revised to Rs.2.50 lakhs per annum.Scholarships are paid @ Rs.150/- per month for Day Scholars and @Rs.350/- per month for Hostellers, for a period of 10 months in a year. This is proposed to be revised from existing Rs.150/- to Rs.225/- p.m. for Day Scholars, and from Rs.350/- to  Rs.525/- p.m. for Hostellers.Central assistance in the share of 75:25 (90:10 for NER and Hilly States) to State Governments/UT Administrations is available from the Government of India.Scholarship is distributed through the State Government/UT Administration.

POST MATRIC SCHOLARSHIPS TO ST Students (Class XI and above)

Applicable to students who are studying in any recognized course from a recognized institution for which qualification is Matriculation/Class X or above.

Parental income from all sources should be less than Rs.2.50 lakhs per annum.

Compulsory fees charged by educational institutions are reimbursed subject to the limit fixed by the concerned State Fee fixation committee and scholarship amount of Rs.230 to Rs.1200 per month, depending upon the course of study is paid.

Central assistance in the share of 75:25 (90:10 for NER and Hilly States) to State Governments/UT Administrations is available from the Government of India.

Scholarship is distributed through the State Government/UT Administration.

NATIONAL OVERSEAS SCHOLARSHIPS (NOS) for ST students for studying abroad

Provides financial assistance to selected students to pursue Post Graduation, Ph.D& Post-Doctoral study abroad.

A total of 20 awards are given every year. Of these, 17 awards are for STs and 3 awards for students belonging to Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups.

Parental/family income from all sources should not exceed Rs.6.00 lakhs per annum.

Annual maintenance allowance of £9900/-, annual contingency & Eqpt. allowance of £1116/-, tuition fees as per actuals and other admissible fees are provided for candidates in United Kingdom.

For candidates in USA, annual maintenance allowance of $15400/-, annual contingency & equipment. allowance of $1532/-, tuition fees as per actuals and other admissible fees are provided.  For candidates in other countries, US dollar or equivalent rate would be applicable.

Disbursement of scholarships through the Ministry of External Affairs/ Indian Missions abroad.


SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (earlier known as Top Class Education) For ST students.

Scholarship is given to ST students for pursuing studies in prescribed courses in any of the 246 institutes of excellence across the country like IITs, AIIMS, IIMs, NIITs, etc. identified by the Ministry.

Total number of scholarships is 1000 per year.

Family income from all sources does not exceed Rs.6.00 lakhs per annum.

Scholarship amount includes tuition fees, living expenses and allowances for books and computer.


750 fellowships are provided to ST students each year for pursing higher studies in India for MPhil and PhD.

Fellowship is granted as per UGC norms, @Rs.25,000/- for JRF and @Rs.28,000/- for SRF.

Duration of Fellowship:

a. Enrolment of M.Phil. 2 years
b. Ph.D (exclusively) 5 years
c. Enrolment of Ph.D after completion of M.Phil. 2 years (M.Phil) and

  1. years (Ph.D)

Scheme of Strengthening Education among ST Girls in Low Literacy Districts

The primary objective of this Central Sector Scheme is promotion of education among tribal girls in the identified low literacy districts of the country. The schemeaims to improve the socio-economic status of the poor and illiterate tribal population through the education of women. The Scheme has been revised with effect from 1.4.2008. Now it is-being implemented in 54 identified low literacy districts where ST Population is 25% or more and ST female literacy rate is below 35% as per 2001 census. The Scheme aims to bridge the gap in literacy levels between the general female population and tribal women and is meant exclusively for ST Girls. The educational complexes are established in rural areas of identified districts and have classes I to V with a provision for up gradation up to class Xll, provided there is sufficient accommodation for classrooms, hostel, a kitchen, gardening and for sports facilities. The educational complexes impart not only formal education to tribal girls but also train the students in agriculture, animal husbandry, other vocations and crafts to make them economically strong.

Scheme of Grant-in-aid to voluntary organizations working for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes

The Scheme was launched in 1953-54 and was last revised w.e.f. 1stApril 2008. The prime objective of the scheme is to enhance the reach of welfare schemes of Government and fill the gaps in service deficient tribal areas, in the sectors such as education, health, drinking water, agro-horticultural productivity, social security net etc. through the efforts of voluntary organizations, and to provide favourable environment for socio-economic upliftment and overall development of the Scheduled Tribes (STs). Any other innovative activity having direct positive impact on the socio-economic development or livelihood generation of STs may also be considered through voluntary efforts. The scheme is Central Sector Scheme. The grants are provided to the non-governmental organizations on application, in a prescribed format, duly recommended by the multi-disciplinary State Level Committee of the concerned State Government / UT Administration. Funds are generally provided to the extent of 90% by the Government. The voluntary organization is expected to bear the remaining 10% balance from its own resources.

Vocational Training in Tribal Areas

The main aim of the Scheme is to develop the skills of the ST youth for a variety of jobs as well as selfemployment and to improve their socio-economic condition by enhancing their income. The scheme covers allthe State and Union Territories. lt is not an area-specific scheme, the condition being thatfree vocational training facilities are extended only to tribal youth. 100% grants underthe scheme are provided to the State, Union Territories and other Associations implementing the Scheme. Each Vocational Training Centre (VTC) under the Scheme may cater to 5 vocational courses in traditional skills depending upon the employment potential of the area. Keeping in view the limited potential of even skilled persons in interiors areas, each ST boy/girl is trained in two trades of his/her choice, the course in each trade being for duration of three months. Each trainee is to be attached at the end of six months to a master craftsman in a semiurban/urban area for a period of six months, to learn his/her skills by practical experience. The scheme has been revised with effect from 1.4.2009 to provide enhanced financial norms and to ensure linkages of vocational courses with recognized certificate/diploma through affiliation/accreditation of courses and institutions under Modular Employable Skills and Craftsman Training Scheme by National Council of VocationalTraining of Ministry of Labour and Employment

Support to Tribal Research Institutes (TRIs) and Tribal Festivals, Research Information and Mass Education;

In the above schemes, the focus of the Ministry is to preserve and promote tribal culture and dissemination of information. To preserve tribal art and culture, financial assistance is provided to TRI’s to carry out various activities to preserve and promote tribal culture and heritage across the country through research and documentation, maintenance and preservation of art & artefacts, setting up of tribal museum, exchange visits for the tribals to other parts of the State, organizing tribal festivals etc. Funding under this Scheme is 100% grant-in-aid by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs to the TRIs on need basis with the approval of APEX Committee. TRIs would be responsible to prepare proposal and detailed action plan for the year alongwith budgetary requirement and submit it to the Ministry through State Tribal Welfare Department. This information was given by the Union Minister of State for Tribal Affairs Shri. Jaswantsinh Bhabhor  in Lok Sabha today .

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