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Schemes launched by the Government to promote Solar Energy in the country


New Delhi: Minister of State (IC) for Power and New & Renewable Energy, Shri Raj Kumar Singh, in a written reply to a question on schemes initiated by Government to promote Solar Power in the country, in Lok Sabha today informed that in order to promote solar energy, the Government have launched several schemes in the country. The details of schemes and the component of Central Financial Assistance therein is given below:

Sr. No.
Central Financial Assistance/Subsidy
Scheme for Development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects
·         Rs.20 lakhs/MW or 30of the project cost including Gridconnectivity cost, whichever is lower
·         CFA @ Rs 25.00 lakh per park for DPR preparation of solar parks, conducting surveys, etc.
Operationalization of 300 MW Solar PV Projects by defence establishment and para military forces
·         The bidders selected on the basis of bids for minimum VGF requirement for the project with commitment to supply solar power at Rs5.50/KWh for 25 years
·         The upper limits of the VGF are as follows:
(i)     CategoryI:      Rs.2.5 crore/MW for project capacity up to 5 MW or 30of the project cost whichever is lower;
(ii)   CategoryII:     Rs2 crore/MW for project capacity greater than 5 MW up to 25 MW or 30of the project cost whichever is lower; and
(iii)CategoryIII:    Rs1.5 crore /MW for project capacity greater than 25 MW or 30of the project cost whichever is lower.
Keeping in view the technology upgradation and economies of scales, the upper limit of VGF was revised on 17.02.2017 to @ Rs1.10 Cr./MW for all projects irrespective of sizes for which tenders were not brought out.
Scheme for Setting up of 750 MW Gridconnected Solar PV Power Projects under Batch1 of PhaseII of JNNSM with Viability Gap Funding Support
The selection of the bidders has been based on the Viability Gap Funding (VGFrequired for the project in an ascending order upto the full capacityViability Gap Funding (VGFis limited to 30of the project cost or 2.5 crore per MW, whichever is lower. Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECIhas signed PPA with such project developers for purchasing entire power from the project for 25 years at 5.45 Rsper unit (4.75 Rsper unit for projects availing accelerated depreciation).
Scheme for Setting up of 2000 MW Gridconnected Solar PV Power Projects under BatchIII of PhaseII of JNNSM with Viability Gap Funding Support
The Project developer is provided a viability gap funding based on his bidThe upper limit for VGF is kept at Rs.1.0 Crore/MW for open category (Rs1.31Crore/MW for projects in DCR category).
Scheme for Setting up of 5000 MW Gridconnected Solar PV Power Projects under BatchIV of PhaseII of JNNSM with Viability Gap Funding Support
The Project developer is provided a ViabilityGap Funding based on his bidThe upper limit for VGF is kept at Rs1.0crore/MW for open category and Rs1.25 crore/MW for projects in DCRcategorySECI will select projects through competitive ebidding based onminimum VGF sought (quoted in INR/MW), or there may be a provision forquoting a discounted tariff (quoted in INR/kWh).
Grid Connected Rooftop
CFA is 30of the benchmark cost for general and 70CFA for North Eastern and Special Category States for residential, social and institutional sector.
Pilotcumdemonstration project for development of grid connected solar PV power plants on canal banks and canal tops
·         Financial support of Rs.3 crore/MW or 30of the project cost, whichever is lower, for Canal Top SPV projects and Rs1.5 crore/MW or 30of the project cost, whichever is lower, for Canal Bank SPV projects.
·         Total CFA of upto Rs.225 crore for 100 MW (50 MW on Canal Tops and 50 MW on Canal Banks) to be disbursed over a period of maximum 2 years post sanctioning of the plants as under:
–        upto 40on sanctioning of the projects.
–        60on successful commissioning of the projects.
·         Service charge to SECI @1of project cost.
Scheme for setting up of 1000 MW of GridConnected Solar PV Power projects by Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUsunder Batch– V of Phase II of JNNSM
·         Viability Gap Funding (VGFprovided through SECI at a fixed rate of Rs1 CrMW for projects where domestically produced cells and modules are used and Rs50 lakhMW in cases where domestically produced modules are used
·         VGF released in two tranches as follows:
(i)     50on successful commissioning of the full capacity of project (COD).
(ii)   Balance 50after one year of successful operation of the project.
OffGrid scheme– SPV lighting systems and power plants, Solar Pumps
1Lighting Systems
 AHome lights/Lanterns/Street Lights with Lead acid batteriesBenchmark Cost Rs340/Wp:
BStreet lights with Lithium Ferro Phosphate batteriesBenchmark costRs475/WpCFARs142.5/Wp
2Power packs with battery bank @7.2 VAh/Wp
AUp to 300 WpBenchmark Cost 200/Wp:
B300 Wp to 1 kWpBenchmark Cost Rs135/WpCFA=Rs40.5/Wp
3Solar Power plants with battery bank @7.2 VAh/Wp and capacity up to 10 kWp:
Benchmark Cost Rs135/WpCFA=Rs40.5/Wp
4Solar Pumps
AUp to 3 HP (DC): Benchmark Cost Rs1,20,000/HPCFA=Rs30,000/HP
B3HP to 5 HP (DC): Benchmark Cost Rs95,000/HPCFA=Rs19,000/HP
CUp to 3 HP (AC): Benchmark Cost Rs1,00,000/HPCFA=Rs25,000/HP
D3HP to 5 HP (AC): Benchmark Cost Rs85,000/HPCFA=Rs17,000/HP
NoteCFA stands for Central Financial Assistance.
The benefits can be availed by applying under these schemes in accordance with guidelines of respective schemesThe guidelines are hosted on the website of the Ministry at www.mnre.gov.in, Shri Singh informed.

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