New Delhi: Union Minority Affairs Minister Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi today said here that under the “Mudra Yojna”, launched on 08th April 2015, the Centre has approved about 9.13 crore loans. Addressing the common people, traders, industries’ representatives and people from social sector in Hyderabad during “Pradhanmantri Mudra Yojna” promotion camp, Shri Naqvi said that there are about 76 percent women in these beneficiaries of “Mudra Yojna”. More than 55 percent of the beneficiaries are SC/ST/OBCs and Minorities.
Shri Naqvi said that today each and every country of the world has recognising India as an emerging economic power. Today, India has become one of the safest and strongest destination for investment. Shri Naqvi said that during the last three years, the NDA Government has moved forward towards strengthening the Indian economy. Growth rate has been above 7 percent during the last three years.
Shri Naqvi said that “Demonetisation” has started giving results. Direct Benefit Transfer has ensured transparency, as money has been given directly into the bank accounts of needy.
Shri Naqvi explained the people about “Mudra Yojna” and various other schemes such as “Start Up India”, “Stand Up India”. Under the “Mudra” scheme, loan is being given in various category- Up to Rs 50,000 in “Shishu Category”; from Rs 50,000 to Rs 5 lakh under “Kishor Category” and from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh under “Tarun Category”