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Shri Prahlad Singh Patel attends the session on ‘Making Khajuraho–as Iconic Tourist Destination’ in Khajuraho

English News

The Ministry of Tourism, Government of  India, is  organizing ‘Meet in India’,  a  MICE Road-show at  ‘Maharaja Chhatrasal Convention Centre’, Khajuraho from the  25th to 27th March, 2021.  The  welcome  ceremony of the event  was held   on   26th  March, 2021;  during  which Shri  Amresh  Tiwari,   Vice  Chairman  of  ‘India Convention  Promotion Bureau’ (ICPB)  made  a  presentation  on the  future  of    MICE Industry  in the  country  followed  by another  presentation by  Ms. Sonia  Meena,  Addl.  Managing  Director,  Madhya  Pradesh Tourism Board wherein  multiple  tourist  attractions  of  Madhya Pradesh were showcased.  In  his  keynote  address,  Shri  Ashwani  Lohani,  CEO GMR Group  said  that  Madhya  Pradesh  is  truly  the  heartland  of  India  and  has  immense  potential  to  attract  tourists.  He  also  threw light  on the  changes  happening    in the  field  of    tourism    post  Covid.  Shri  Arvind  Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism in his  address   said  that  the  Ministry of  Tourism  is  eager to  create  hand holdings  between  different  stakeholders  and   act  as a  catalyst  to  develop  tourism in the country.

The  second  session  of the  day  was  held  on  ‘Making  Khajuraho – as  Iconic  Tourist  Destination’ during  which  a  detailed  presentation  on the master plan  of  Khajuraho  was  made by  Shri  Jay Kaktikar,  Partner,  Design Associates. The Minister (Tourism & Culture) saw the presentation and deliberated the same in detail.  Thereafter, various local  stakeholders and local  media  also  presented their  views  on development  aspects  of  Khajuraho and  gave  their  feedback  and  comments on the  Master Plan  of  Khajuraho.

Thereafter,  various  aspects  to  develop  and  promote  Khajuraho  as  an  Iconic  Destination  covering  cultural, natural  and  heritage  offerings  of the  destinations  and  surrounding  attractions  were also discussed.  The  session  was  attended  by   Shri Prahlad Singh Patel,  Minister (Tourism and Culture), GoI;  Shri Arvind  Singh, Secretary (Tourism), GoI;  Shri  Sheo Shekhar Shukla, Principal Secretary (Tourism & Culture),  Government  of  Madhya Pradesh;   Shri Abinash Manghani CEO Welcome Heritage;  Dr.  Navina  Jafa,  Cultural Techno Crat;  Shri  G. Kamala Vardhana Rao, Chairman & Managing Director, ITD and Shri  Pranab  Sarkar.  The session was moderated by Shri Gaurav Taneja, Senior Partner & Leader from Ernst & Young.

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