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Steps to promote socio-economic groups


New Delhi: The centrally sponsored Scheme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) supports States/UTs in universalizing elementary education, including girls’ education. Under, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan targeted interventions for girl children include the Opening of schools in the neighbourhood as defined by the State, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) for disadvantaged girls belonging to SC, ST, OBC, Minority and BPL categories, Recruitment of additional teachers, with emphasis on recruitment of female teachers, Provision of free text-books to children, Uniforms to all girls, SC, ST and BPL children, Provision of girls toilets in schools and Teachers’ sensitization programmes to promote girls participation.

At primary level (Classes I-V) the share of girl’s enrolment was 47.79% in 2005-2006, which has risen to 48.21% in 2015-16 (Source U-DISE 2015-16). Further, the gender parity index has reached 0.93 at the primary level and 0.95 upper primary levels as per U-DISE 2015-16.

Under the centrally sponsored scheme of Rashtriya Madyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), interventions to promote girls participation at secondary level include the opening of new schools to improve access, the strengthening of existing schools, the appointment of teachers including female teachers, the construction of residential quarters for teachers in remote/hilly areas, curriculum reforms to eliminate any hidden gender bias, conduct of self defence training for the girls, special programmes for empowerment of girls, stipend for girls with disabilities, Girls Hostel scheme, teacher sensitization programmes and separate toilet blocks for girls.

Girls are exempt from paying tuition fee in Kendriya Vidyalayas, and there is 33% reservation for girls in Navodaya Vidyalayas.

This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Shri Upendra Kushwaha today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha question.

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