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Supplementary Nutrition Programme under ICDS Scheme


New Delhi: Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS is universal and a self-selecting scheme. All children below 6 years of age, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers are eligible for the services including Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP) provided under the scheme. The services are provided to those who visit AnganwadiCenters and enroll themselves. As on 31 December 2017, 844 lakh beneficiaries have availed the Supplementary Nutrition service at Anganwadi Services (AWCs).

World Health Organization (WHO) prescribed standards for monitoring the growth of children below 5 years, which have been adopted by the Government to measure nutritional status of children, using weight-to-age (underweight) as an indicator under as of Umbrella Integrated Child Development Services Scheme.

The implementation of ICDS Scheme is continuously monitored through prescribed monthly & annual progress reports, reviews as well as supervision visits etc. Based on the inputs and feedbacks received, State Governments/UT Administrations are advised through letters and review meetings to address the deficiencies and to improve the implementation of the Scheme.

All the AnganwadiCenters are required to maintain the growth monitoring chart for assessing the nutrition status of children set by WHO. These growth charts help in identifying children in various categories like normal Children, moderately underweight Children and severely underweight children. The tracking through these charts help detect growth faltering and facilitate prompt action and referral.

This information was given by Union Minister for Women and Child Development, SmtManeka Sanjay Gandhi in reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.

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