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Supply of Urea to Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan is ahead of Pro-rata Requirement


New Delhi: Contrary to the recent reports in media regarding urea shortages in the States of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, the Department of Fertilizers (DoF), Government of India has provided details of monthly supply and stocks available at the State level. The given data makes it clear that the Union Government has been taking proactive measures to ensure adequate supply of urea in Rabi season 2018-19 to all States and there is sufficient stock available at the State level.

The All-India monthly requirement of urea for the month of December’18 is 33.07 LMT (Lakh Metric Tonne), against which DoF has issued All-India supply plan of 36.20 LMT. The pro-rata requirement (as on 23.12.18) is 24.53 LMT, against which All-India availability as on date is 28.62 LMT and sales till date are 20.94 LMT.On an average DoF is supplying nearly 1 LMT of urea per day from plants and ports combined to various States as per the allocations.

The urea production units are running as per target and there is sufficient inventory(to the tune of nearly 10 LMT) at various ports. More inventory to the tune of 10 LMT is lined up which is expected to arrive in December’18 and January’19.The Railways is moving urea on priority both from plants and from ports to various States.The DoF is in regular touch with all the States, Railways and fertilizer companies and monitoring the situation closely on day-to-day basis.

For Madhya Pradesh, in the ongoing month of December, against the monthly requirement of 3.50 LMT, DoF has issued supply plan of 3.70 LMT.  Against the pro-rata requirement of 2.59 LMT till 23.12.18, 2.38 LMT hasalready been supplied, as a result of which the availability as on date is 2.75 LMT (including the opening stock of 0.37LMT). Corresponding to the availability figures, thesales are 1.85LMT, hence signifying a comfortable position of urea stocks available at the State level.

Further, in reference to the meeting of Minister for Agriculture, Government of Madhya Pradesh & Principal Secretary (Agriculture) with Union Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers on 06.12.2018 regarding the request of additional urea allocation of 0.40 LMT in the month of December’18, DoF has allocated additional 0.50 LMT of imported urea.

For Rajasthan, in the ongoing month of December, against the monthly requirement of 2.70 LMT, DoF has issued supply plan of 2.89 LMT. Against the pro-rata requirement till 23/12/18 of 2.00 LMT, 2.57 LMT has already been supplied, as a result of which the availability as on date is 2.60 LMT (including the opening stock of 0.03 LMT)and corresponding sales are 2.31 LMT.

In addition to the above steps, based on the feedback of State Agriculture Departments of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, DoF has requested Railway Board today to accord overriding priority to urea movement for both the States from the ports (alongwith other States) till 31.12.2018.This is expected to give further push to urea supplies that will help in fulfilling the field demand. The indigenous urea suppliers have already been advised to supply the urea as per the allocated supply plan for the month of December’18.

The above data gives a clear picture that as on date, in the month of December, the urea supplies to both States are ahead of pro-rata requirement. This was ensured by timely interventions of DoF by issuing advisories to suppliers and Railways, based on request of State Government.The internal distribution within the State is the responsibility of State Government. The DoF regularly advises State Governments to lift the allocated quantity of Fertilizers and ensure efficient distribution at the ground level to the farmers.

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