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Sustainable development by optimal harnessing of scarce resources of water, air, energy, land, biodiversity and use of new technologies need of the hour: Durga Shanker Mishra


New Delhi: Green Urban Areas play an important role in the social and natural sustainability and improve quality of life. This was the focus of a National Seminar on “Greenery and Landscaping” organized by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) here today, as a part of its continued effort for green and clean sustainable development The Seminar was inaugurated by Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

Horticulturists, Architects and Engineers from within CPWD and from other Government and Private organizations participated in the Seminar. Over 40 papers were received for the Seminar and presentations were made by the eminent experts. CPWD Publications and e-Modules were also released during the function.

Addressing the participants, Shri Durga Shanker Mishra stated that sustainable development by optimal harnessing of scarce resources of water, air, energy, land, biodiversity and use of new technologies, renewable energy, conservation of water, reuse of the waste water, rainwater harvesting etc. are the need of the hour. He appreciated CPWD for taking a lead role in adoption and dissemination of sustainable development measures in its works in particular and in construction sector in general.

Shri Prabhakar Singh, Director General, CPWD spoke about the achievements of CPWD in the recent past, in terms of adoption of the sustainable development measures, human resource management, speedier and quality construction, adoption of new technologies, completion of projects on time with quality and economy, adding new clients, signing new MoUs and implementation of new policy initiatives for the growth of Department with the support and guidance of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

Following recommendations were made during the Seminar :

• Green Urban Areas play an important role in the social and natural sustainability and improve quality of life.

• Greenery and Dense plantation have a major impact on the conservation of energy, and reduce the energy requirement of the building.

• In order to maintain sustainable environment, pollution free clean air, it is essential to take up the plantation work.

• Cost of land has increased manifold and high rise buildings are coming up, people are getting hardly any area for the greenery. Keeping in view the same, plantation, greenery and other environment friendly applications should be planned around the building by way of dwarf trees, small shrubs, ground covers, hanging baskets, creepers, etc.

• There is need to adopt wood alternative in building construction. Use of alternate materials like Bamboo needs to be encouraged.

• Orientation and proper training should be imparted to the persons engaged in landscaping and Horticulture, for implementation of the new technologies in this field to save the labour and cost of the project in long run.

• Emphasis should be given for conserving and transplanting indigenous and grown up trees.

• Herbal and medicinal plants need to be encourage. Herbal plants are useful for keeping the life healthy.

• Application of Organic Manure needs to be adopted for healthy and nutritious food.

• Water conserving irrigation method like drip irrigation, Sprinkler irrigation and pop up system needs to be adopted.

• Plants and greenery help in reducing adverse effects of climate change. Therefore every individual should adopt minimum one tree.

• Green initiative needs to be taken up on a mission mode by every nation, every city, every society and every individual so that future generations may lead happy and healthy life.

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