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Swachhability run at Noida


New Delhi: A ‘Swachh-Ability Run 2016’ being organized in seven cities, over seven days culminated with the last 10 Km run at Pathways School, Noida, today, to commemorate the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities (PwD)’. ‘Veer Naris’ (War Widows), were invited as guest of honour to flag off the run in each city and Smt Meena Nayyar, Mother of Kargil War hero Capt Anuj Nayyar, MVC was the guest of Honour at the event held at Pathways School, Noida.

This unique concept was conceived by Major D P Singh, the Indian Blade Marathon Runner a Kargil war veteran and was supported by the Indian Army. The run aimed to give confidence to differently-abled people and was held in cities of Chandigarh, Ambala, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Panipat, Sonipat, and National Capital Region (NCR) along the historic Grand Trunk road.

‘Swachh Ability Run 2016’ is a unique event highlighting two important social causes, firstly, to showcase the abilities of persons with disability and bring inclusion and secondly, conduct a ‘Swachh Drive’ led by ‘Divyangs’ to convey a strong message to public to create awareness and social responsibility towards cleanliness. Towards this goal people with disabilities challenged their physical capacities through a run and further led the Swachh drive. A total of 10,000 Divyangs, veterans and school children have participated in this mission. In Noida, 2200 had joined to undertake this challenge.

To celebrate the culmination of SwachhAbility Run, a grand finale function is being conducted at Ayur Vigyan Auditorium, RR Hospital , Delhi on 04 Dec.

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